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[英]Fastest way to count element in a list satisfying conditions

I want to get the number of elements in a list satisfying certain conditions specified by another list. 我希望列表中的元素数量满足另一个列表指定的某些条件。 The way I did is using sum and any . 我的方式是使用sumany The simple testing codes are: 简单的测试代码是:

>>> x1 = list(xrange(300))
>>> x2 = [random.randrange(20, 50) for i in xrange(30)]
>>> def test():
        ns = []
        for i in xrange(10000):
            ns.append(sum(1 for j in x2 if any(abs(k-j)<=10 for k in x1)))
        return ns

Using Profiler shows that the sum and any caused the most time, any way to improve this? 使用Profiler显示sumany引起的最多时间,有什么方法可以改善这个?

>>> cProfile.run('ns = test()')
     8120003 function calls in 0.699 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.003    0.003    1.552    1.552 <pyshell#678>:2(test)
   310000    0.139    0.000    1.532    0.000 <pyshell#678>:5(<genexpr>)
        1    0.000    0.000    1.552    1.552 <string>:1(<module>)
  7490000    0.196    0.000    0.196    0.000 {abs}
   300000    0.345    0.000    1.377    0.000 {any}
    10000    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
    10000    0.016    0.000    1.548    0.000 {sum}

The function test only contain 10000 iterations. 功能test仅包含10000次迭代。 Generally, I would have tens of thousands iterations, and using the cProfile.run shows that this block cause majority of executing time. 通常,我会进行数万次迭代,并且使用cProfile.run显示此块会导致大部分执行时间。

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Edit 编辑

According to @DavisHerring's answer, using binary search. 根据@ DavisHerring的回答,使用二进制搜索。

from _bisect import *
>>> x1 = list(xrange(300))
>>> x2 = [random.randrange(20, 50) for i in xrange(30)]
>>> def testx():
        ns = []
        x2k = sorted(x2)
        x1k = sorted(x1)
        for i in xrange(10000):
            bx = [bisect_left(x1k, xk) for xk in x2k]
            rn = sum(1 if k==0 and x1k[k]-xk<=10
                 else 1 if k==len(x1k) and xk-x1k[k-1]<=10
                 else xk-x1k[k-1]<=10 or x1k[k]-xk<=10
                 for k, xk in zip(bx, x2k))
        return ns

According to cProfile.run , 0.196 seconds is reached, 3x+ faster. 根据cProfile.run ,达到0.196 seconds ,快3倍+。

The nature of your predicate is critical; 你的谓词的本质是至关重要的; because it is a distance along a line, you can give your data a corresponding structure to speed the search. 因为它是一条线的距离,您可以为您的数据提供相应的结构以加快搜索速度。 There are several variations: 有几种变化:

Sort the list x1 : then you can use binary search to find the nearest values and check whether they're close enough. 对列表x1排序:然后您可以使用二进制搜索来查找最近的值并检查它们是否足够接近。

If the list x2 is much longer, and most of its elements are not in range, you can make it a bit faster by sorting it instead and searching for the beginning and end of each acceptable interval. 如果列表x2更长,并且其大部分元素不在范围内,则可以通过对其进行排序并搜索每个可接受间隔的开始和结束来使其更快一些。

If you sort both lists, you can step through them together and do it in linear time. 如果对两个列表进行排序,则可以一起执行它们并在线性时间内完成。 This is asymptotically equivalent unless there's another reason to sort them, of course. 这是渐近等价的,当然,除非有其他理由对它们进行排序。

The code 代码

Use an interval tree data structure. 使用区间树数据结构。 A very simple implementation suitable for your needs could be as follows: 适合您需求的非常简单的实现可以如下:

class SimpleIntervalTree:
    def __init__(self, points, radius):
        intervals = []
        l, r = None, None
        for p in sorted(points):
            if r is None or r < p - radius:
                if r is not None:
                    intervals.append((l, r))
                l = p - radius
            r = p + radius
        if r is not None:
            intervals.append((l, r))
        self._tree = self._to_tree(intervals)

    def _to_tree(self, intervals):
        if len(intervals) == 0:
            return None
        i = len(intervals) // 2
        return {
            'left': self._to_tree(intervals[0:i]),
            'value': intervals[i],
            'right': self._to_tree(intervals[i + 1:])

    def __contains__(self, item):
        t = self._tree
        while t is not None:
            l, r = t['value']
            if item < l:
                t = t['left']
            elif item > r:
                t = t['right']
                return True
        return False

Then your code would look like this: 然后你的代码看起来像这样:

x1 = list(range(300))
x2 = [random.randrange(20, 50) for i in range(30)]
it = SimpleIntervalTree(x1, 10)
def test():
    ns = []
    for i in range(10000):
        ns.append(sum(1 for j in x2 if j in it))
    return ns

What the code does 代码的作用

In __init__ , the list of points is first transformed to a list of contiguous intervals. __init__ ,点列表首先转换为连续间隔列表。 Next, the intervals are put in a balanced binary search tree . 接下来,将间隔放入平衡二叉搜索树中 In that tree, each node contains an interval, each left subtree of a node contains lower intervals and each right subtree of a node contains higher intervals. 在该树中,每个节点包含一个间隔,节点的每个左子树包含较低的间隔,并且节点的每个右子树包含较高的间隔。 This way, whenever we want to test whether a point is in any of the segments ( __contains__ ), we perform binary search starting from the root. 这样,每当我们想要测试一个点是否在任何段( __contains__ )中时,我们就从根开始执行二进制搜索。

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