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根据同一元素中的条件属性打印属性值(XML Python)

[英]Print attribute value based on condition attribute in same element (XML Python)

I have a xml file like this: 我有一个这样的xml文件:

<button id="abs_axis_11" label="">
      <device type="keyboard" id="0" name=""/>
      <event type="button" id="g"/>
<button id="abs_axis_16" label="Melee">
      <device type="keyboard" id="0" name=""/>
      <event type="button" id="v"/>
<button id="abs_axis_11" label="">
      <device type="joystick" id="0" name="Controller"/>
      <event type="button" id="9"/>

The condition is if button id = "abs_axis_11" && name = "" : print output = g, but I don't find a way to remove id = 9 in result output (using Python) 条件是如果按钮id =“ abs_axis_11” && name =“”:打印输出= g,但我找不到在结果输出中删除id = 9的方法(使用Python)

My working code: 我的工作代码:

for event in root.findall('/button_map/button[@id="abs_axis_11"][device[@name=""]]/event'):
    button = event.get('id')
    print button

I had to take some liberty with the example below, as the data and code you provided isn't a complete, working example (for future reference, try following these instructions ). 我不得不对下面的示例采取一些自由态度,因为您提供的数据和代码不是一个完整的,可以正常工作的示例(以供将来参考,请尝试按照以下说明进行操作 )。

Assumptions: 假设:

  • you're using the xml.etree.ElementTree module 您正在使用xml.etree.ElementTree模块
  • the XML snippet you provided is a subset of the overall message you're parsing 您提供的XML代码段是您正在解析的整体消息的一部分

Based on those assumptions I put together the following: 基于这些假设,我总结了以下内容:


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

XML_DATA = """
    <button id="abs_axis_11" label="">
      <device type="keyboard" id="0" name=""/>
      <event type="button" id="g"/>
    <button id="abs_axis_16" label="Melee">
      <device type="keyboard" id="0" name=""/>
      <event type="button" id="v"/>
    <button id="abs_axis_11" label="">
      <device type="joystick" id="0" name="Controller"/>
      <event type="button" id="9"/>

tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(XML_DATA))
for event in tree.findall(
  print "Result: %s" % (event)
  print "Event ID: %s" % event.get('id')

The output of this script is: 该脚本的输出为:

$ python python-xml.py
Result: <Element 'event' at 0x7efd53f8c610>
Event ID: g

Here's are some pointers regarding your XPath query: 以下是有关XPath查询的一些提示:

  • device is a child element not an attribute of button . device是一个子元素,不是button的属性。 Therefore I removed it from the brackets (which was causing an invalid predicate error for me, and specified it an element in the hierarchy 因此,我将其从方括号中删除(这对我造成了invalid predicate错误,并在层次结构中将其指定为元素
  • because of the above, I used .. to navigate to parent element of device (ie button ) and then down to it's child element event 由于上述原因,我使用了..导航至device父元素(即button ),然后向下至其子元素event

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