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[英]Map an array of resolved promises to an array of values

I have an array of resolved Promises: 我有一系列已解决的Promises:

[Promise, Promise, Promise, ...]

Each of these promises when resolved returns a value. 解析后的每个承诺都会返回一个值。 How do I create a function that returns the map of this array of promises to the value that each promise resolves to? 如何创建一个函数,将这个promises数组的映射返回到每个promise所解析的值?

[value_1, value_2, value_3, ...]

Here's the closest I've gotten so far: 这是我到目前为止最接近的:

const mapPromisesToValues = promises => {
    Promise.all(promises, values => {
        // how do I return these values from mapPromisesToValues
        return values

To be more specific, the reason why I ask is because I have a collection of arrays of Promises. 更具体地说,我问的原因是因为我有一组Promises数组。

const collection_1 = [Promise, Promise, Promise, ...];
const collection_2 = [Promise, Promise, Promise, ...];

and I want to batch these collection of promises mapped into a collection of values into 1 object, that I will then pass into another function that will be called once - in this case React's setState : 并且我想将这些映射到一个值集合中的Promise集合批处理为一个对象,然后我将传递给另一个将被调用一次的函数 - 在这种情况下React的setState


I have an array of resolved Promise ... how do I return these values from mapPromisesToValues 我有一个已解决的Promise数组...如何从mapPromisesToValues返回这些值

Even though you know the promises are resolved, you can't return a map of their values from your function. 即使您知道承诺已解决,也无法从函数中返回其值的映射。 The only way to get the value of a promise is via a then callback, and that callback is guaranteed to be called asynchronously, which means that your function cannot return the value; 获取promise的值的唯一方法是通过then回调,并且保证回调被异步调用,这意味着你的函数不能返回值; it can only return a promise of the value (eg, as Promise.all does). 它只能返回值的承诺(例如,如Promise.all所做的那样)。

You'll have to just have your function return the Promise.all and have the consumer of the function use it. 你必须让你的函数返回Promise.all并让函数的使用者使用它。

Re your edit: 重新编辑:

To be more specific, the reason why I ask is because I have a collection of arrays of Promises. 更具体地说,我问的原因是因为我有一组Promises数组。

 const collection_1 = [Promise, Promise, Promise, ...]; const collection_2 = [Promise, Promise, Promise, ...]; 

//... // ...

and I want to batch these collection of promises mapped into a collection of values into 1 object, that I will then pass into another function that will be called once - in this case React's setState : 并且我想将这些映射到一个值集合中的Promise集合批处理为一个对象,然后我将传递给另一个将被调用一次的函数 - 在这种情况下React的setState

 this.setState({ ...this.state, values_1, values_2, //... }); 

That's fine, you don't need to do that synchronously . 没关系,你不需要同步那样做。 Simply: 只是:

    // etc.
.then(([values_1, values_2, /*etc*/]) => {
    this.setState({values_1, values_2,/*etc*/});

Note that I left off ...this.state there. 请注意,我离开了...this.state那里。 Two reasons: 两个原因:

  1. If you're setting state based on existing state, you must use the callback version of setState , not the one accepting an object; 如果您基于现有状态设置状态,则必须使用setState的回调版本 ,而不是接受对象的回调版本 ; and

  2. State updates can be partial, so ...this.state is unnecessary extra work. 状态更新可能是部分的,所以...this.state是不必要的额外工作。

Depending on your coding environment, you may find it useful to adopt async / await (for instance, if you're transpiling, or you're doing this on Node.js can can use an up-to-date copy of Node.js). 根据您的编码环境,您可能会发现采用async / await很有用(例如,如果您正在进行转换,或者您在Node.js上执行此操作,则可以使用Node.js的最新副本)。 async / await lets you write your code according to its logical flow , rather than its synchronous flow. async / await允许您根据其逻辑流而不是其同步流来编写代码。 Within an async function, you use await to suspend the function and wait for a promise to resolve. async函数中,您使用await挂起函数并等待承诺解析。 async functions are syntactic sugar for functions that return promises, and await is syntactic sugar for consuming promises (eg, then and catch ). async函数是返回promises的函数的语法糖,而await是用于消费promises的语法糖(例如, thencatch )。

To make the transition from synchronous-flow to logical-flow, you make your entry point an async function that you handle errors from: 要使从同步流转换为逻辑流,可以使入口点成为async函数,以便处理以下错误:

(async () => {
    // Your logical flow code here
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the error

Then, your function could be an async function: 然后,您的函数可能是async函数:

async function example() {
    // ...
    return await Promise.all(thePromises)

...which any other async function can use via await : ...任何其他async函数可以通过await使用:

let values = await example();

You can't get the values from the promises synchronously by the nature of promises, sadly. 遗憾的是,你无法通过承诺的性质同步地从承诺中获得价值。 You have to do this: 你必须这样做:

const mapPromisesToValues = promises => {
  return Promise.all(promises);

mapPromisesToValues(promises).then(values => console.log(values));
const values = await Promise.all(promiseArr);

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