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[英]Is it currently possible to use Rx.NET in Blazor?

I'm trying to implement the Angular tutorial Tour of Heroes (HTTP) section in our dear Blazor. 我正在尝试在我们亲爱的Blazor中实现Angular教程“英雄之旅(HTTP)”部分。 Here is the Angular sample: https://stackblitz.com/angular/xkyalvboyrj 这是Angular示例: https : //stackblitz.com/angular/xkyalvboyrj

As you can see, there is an input textbox to enter a search term. 如您所见,这里有一个输入文本框,用于输入搜索词。 The search is performed whenever the user changes the content of the text box. 每当用户更改文本框的内容时,都会执行搜索。 To make the search efficient, rxjs is used. 为了提高搜索效率,使用了rxjs。 Now I want to emulate this functionality in Blazor, and I wondered if this can be done employing Rx.NET... 现在我想在Blazor中模拟此功能,我想知道是否可以使用Rx.NET来完成...

God Blazor you! 上帝啊,你!


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