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[英]Test failing cases with React, Jest, React-Testing-Library

I have a React component that throws an Error when programming is wrong. 我有一个React组件,当编程错误时会抛出一个错误。 For example, the component Component takes the required prop data , and I have: 例如,组件Component接受所需的prop data ,而我有:

if (!data) { throw new Error("data is not provided") }

written in my component to handle this error. 写在我的组件中以处理此错误。 Using jest my test says: 使用jest我的测试说:

test("throw invalid component error", () => {
    const { container } = render(<Component />);

When I run my test Jest says that the test fails and then it points me to the line where I have my throw new Error(...) written. 当我运行测试时,Jest说测试失败,然后它指向我编写throw new Error(...) Is what I'm trying to do possible in jest? 我在开玩笑地想做些什么吗?

To assert a function to throw an error, you have to pass a function to the expect statement. 要断言一个function引发错误,您必须将一个function传递给Expect语句。 In your case: 在您的情况下:

test('...', () => {
  expect(() => {
    render(<Component />);


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