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Spring Data GemFire:CustomExpiry示例

[英]Spring Data GemFire: CustomExpiry Examples

I am using Pivotal GemFire 9.1.1 and Spring Data GemFire 2.0.7.RELEASE. 我正在使用Pivotal GemFire 9.1.1和Spring Data GemFire 2.0.7.RELEASE。

I have a token that will be stored in a GemFire Region with a String Key and a Map<String,String> Value. 我有一个令牌,该令牌将通过String键和Map<String,String>值存储在GemFire区域中。 The expiration of the token (ie entry in the GemFire Region) should be dynamic dependent on a few business scenarios. 令牌的到期时间(即GemFire区域中的条目)应该是动态的,具体取决于一些业务场景。

I could find Pivotal GemFire documentation for CustomExpiry whereas I could not find any proper example/documentation on Spring Data GemFire ( <gfe:custom-entry-ttl> ). 我可以找到CustomExpiry Pivotal GemFire文档,而在Spring Data GemFire( <gfe:custom-entry-ttl> )上找不到任何适当的示例/文档。

Please share if there is a resource which instructs how to enable custom data expiration in Spring Data GemFire. 如果有资源指示如何在Spring Data GemFire中启用自定义数据过期,请分享。

There are actually 3 different ways a developer can configure a custom expiration policy for a Region using Pivotal GemFire's oagcache.CustomExpiry interface in SDG 实际上,开发人员可以使用Pivotal GemFire的oagcache.CustomExpiry为SDG配置区域的自定义过期策略的3种不同方式oagcache.CustomExpiry中的oagcache.CustomExpiry接口

Given an application-specific implementation of oagcacheCustomExpiry ... 给定特定于应用程序的oagcacheCustomExpiry实现...

package example.app.gemfire.cache;

import org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry;
import org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes;
import ...;

class MyCustomExpiry implements CustomExpiry<String, Object> {

  ExpirationAttributes getExpiry(Region.Entry<String, Object> entry) {

First, the XML approach. 首先,XML方法。

<bean id="customTimeToLiveExpiration" 

<gfe:partitioned-region id="Example" persistent="false">
  <gfe:custom-entry-ttl ref="customTimeToLiveExpiration"/>
    <bean class="example.app.gemfire.cache.MyCustomExpiry"/>

As you can see in the example above, you can define "custom" Expiration policies using either a bean reference, as in the nested Time-To-Live (TTL) Expiration Policy declaration or by using a anonymous bean definition, as in the nested Idle Timeout (TTI) Expiration Policy of the "Example" PARTITION Region bean definition. 如您在上面的示例中看到的,您可以使用bean引用(如嵌套的生存时间(TTL)过期策略声明)或使用匿名bean定义(如嵌套)来定义“自定义”过期策略“示例” PARTITION Region Bean定义的空闲超时(TTI)过期策略。

Refer to the SDG XML schema for precise definitions. 有关精确定义,请参考SDG XML模式

Second, you can achieve the same thing Java Config... 其次,您可以实现相同的Java配置...

class GemFireConfiguration {

  MyCustomExpiry customTimeToLiveExpiration() {
    return new MyCustomExpiry();

  PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<String, Object> exampleRegion(
      GemFireCache gemfireCache) {

    PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<String, Object> exampleRegion =
      new PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<>();

    exampleRegion.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(new MyCustomExpiry());

    return exampleRegion;

Finally, you configure both TTL and TTI Expiration Policies using SDG Annotation-based Expiration configuration, as defined here . 最后,同时配置了TTL,并使用基于注解的SDG过期的配置,定义TTI过期策略在这里 There is a test class along with the configuration in the SDG test suite demonstrating this capability. SDG测试套件中有一个测试类以及配置 ,证明了此功能。

Additional information about Annotation-based Expiration configuration in SDG can be found here . 可以在此处找到有关SDG中基于注释的过期配置的其他信息。

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

-John -约翰

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