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Eclipse / NetBeans和Maven整数

[英]Eclipse/NetBeans and Maven integeration

I'm going to ask about Eclipse/NetBeans and Maven, but first let me state my higher goal for which I'm only guessing Eclipse/NetBeans and Maven will be a good combination. 我将要问有关Eclipse / NetBeans和Maven的问题,但首先让我陈述一下我的更高目标 ,我只是猜测Eclipse / NetBeans和Maven将是一个很好的组合。

I'm an experienced programmer and computer science tutor in several languages, but I'm learning Java for the first time. 我是使用多种语言的经验丰富的程序员和计算机科学导师,但是我是第一次学习Java。 I'm helping a student learn it along with me. 我正在帮助学生和我一起学习它。

I'm most used to Emacs, and I got the JDEE mode working together with Maven quite nicely. 我最习惯Emacs了,我将JDEE模式与Maven很好地配合使用。

My student finds Emacs unwieldy and wants to use something else. 我的学生发现Emacs笨拙,想使用其他东西。 He only knows Atom so far, but that doesn't seem very well integrated with Java yet. 到目前为止,他只了解Atom,但是与Java集成似乎还不太好。 Eclipse or NetBeans seem like good bets. Eclipse或NetBeans似乎是不错的选择。 (Any known differences, especially for a beginner learning Java?) (是否存在任何已知的差异,特别是对于初学者学习Java而言?)

My student and I would like to work from the same repo. 我的学生和我想在同一个仓库中工作。 Because I have a Maven project working nicely with Emacs, I'd like him to be able to work on the same project in Eclipse or NetBeans. 因为我有一个Maven项目与Emacs可以很好地合作,所以我希望他能够在Eclipse或NetBeans中处理相同的项目。

Can I get some suggestions about how to go about this? 我可以从中获得一些建议吗?

I already tried importing my project into Eclipse, but it doesn't work. 我已经尝试过将项目导入Eclipse,但是它不起作用。 I go to the importer, then the Maven section, and try to select my project directory. 我先进入导入器,然后进入“ Maven”部分,然后尝试选择我的项目目录。 The importer shows the pom.xml but it's grayed-out and can't be selected. 导入程序将显示pom.xml,但它显示为灰色,无法选择。

Alternatively, going back to my higher goal which is for my student and I to be able to collaborate, with me on Emacs and him on something more modern and easy for him to assimilate ... a different idea altogether, perhaps? 或者,回到我的更高目标 ,就是让我和我的学生能够与我合作,在Emacs和他身上进行更现代,更容易让他吸收的事情……也许是完全不同的想法?

NetBeans treat maven project as first class citizen. NetBeans将Maven项目视为一流的公民。 You can open a maven project as is without installing any plugins. 您可以直接打开Maven项目,而无需安装任何插件。 That'll be the easiest way for you to forget setup and start coding. 这将是您忘记设置并开始编码的最简单方法。

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