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[英]Create controller with service — Get… is not a function

In an ASP.NET Boilerplate project, I have the following code: 在ASP.NET Boilerplate项目中,我有以下代码:

(function () {
    appModule.controller('augustinum.views.kostenstelle.index', [
        '$scope', '$uibModal', 'abp.services.app.kostenstelle',
        function ($scope, kostenstelleService) {
            var vm = this;

            vm.kostenstellen = [];

            vm.getKostenstelle = function () {
                kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle().then(function (result) {
                    vm.kostenstellen = result.items;
                    console.log("Step1" + vm.kostenstellen.length);

            console.log("Step2" + vm.kostenstellen.length);

I have two questions: 我有两个问题:

  1. I get the error: 我收到错误:

    getKostenstelle() is not a function. getKostenstelle()不是函数。

    If I replace kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle() with abp.services.app.kostenstelle.getKostenstelle() the code works — the object list Kostenstelle is returned. 如果我更换kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle()abp.services.app.kostenstelle.getKostenstelle()的代码工作-对象列表Kostenstelle返回。 But I think I lost the scope with this workaround, so what is wrong with the kostenstelleService ? 但是我认为我kostenstelleService通过这种解决方法来解决问题,所以kostenstelleService怎么了?

  2. If the code works (by replacing kostnestelleService ), I get 2 elements in the array kostenstelle[] . 如果代码有效(通过替换kostnestelleService ), kostnestelleService在数组kostenstelle[]获得2元素。 At the line with "Step1" I get the correct number — 2 elements. 在带有"Step1"的行中,我得到了正确的数字2元素。 But at the line with "Step2" , I get 0 elements. 但是在"Step2" ,我得到了0元素。 Why? 为什么? And how can I change the code, so the line with "Step2" is executed when the array is filled? 以及如何更改代码,以便在填充数组时执行带有"Step2"的行?

Many thanks in advance. 提前谢谢了。

1) That's because you forgot to include $uibModal in here function ($scope, kostenstelleService) { (line 4). 1)这是因为您忘记在此处的function ($scope, kostenstelleService) { (第4行)中包括$uibModal Therefore kostenstelleService points at $uibModal now. 因此kostenstelleService在点$uibModal现在。

Should be: 应该:

    ['$scope', '$uibModal', 'abp.services.app.kostenstelle',
    function ($scope, $uibModal, kostenstelleService) {

2) That's because getKostenstelle() is an asynchronous operation wrapped in a promise. 2)这是因为getKostenstelle()是包装在promise中的异步操作。 JavaScript is single threaded, meaning that it goes through each operation one by one and puts async ops in the pending queue so that it doesn't get thread locked. JavaScript是单线程的,这意味着它一步一步地执行每个操作,并将异步操作放在待处理的队列中,这样它就不会被线程锁定。

In your case, what happens is: 您的情况是:

  1. Execute vm.getKostenstelle() 执行vm.getKostenstelle()
    • Execute kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle() and put in pending queue 执行kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle()并放入待处理队列
  2. Execute console.log("Step2" + vm.kostenstellen.length); 执行console.log("Step2" + vm.kostenstellen.length);
    • At this point vm.kostenstellen.length is empty because the async call hasn't finished 此时, vm.kostenstellen.length为空,因为异步调用尚未完成
  3. Async call kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle() finishes 异步调用kostenstelleService.getKostenstelle()完成
    • .then block is executed; .then块被执行; vm.kostenstellen is assigned data and console.log("Step1" + vm.kostenstellen.length); vm.kostenstellen被分配了数据和console.log("Step1" + vm.kostenstellen.length); displays data 显示数据

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