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[英]How to debug Rust unit tests on Windows?

I'm developing code for the Codingame problems using VS Code on Windows with Rust and the Visual Studio toolchain. 我正在使用带有Rust和Visual Studio工具链的Windows上的VS代码开发Codingame问题的代码。

I have found multiple guides explaining how to debug the executable generated by cargo build , the best being Debug Rust on Windows with Visual Studio Code and the MSVC Debugger . 我找到了多个指南,解释了如何调试cargo build生成的可执行文件,最好的是使用Visual Studio Code和MSVC Debugger在Windows调试Rust

However, when I face problems, I tend to write unit tests (I've done that in Java, JavaScript, Ruby, ...), which I then debug. 但是,当我遇到问题时,我倾向于编写单元测试(我已经在Java,JavaScript,Ruby等中完成了这些测试),然后我会进行调试。 Unfortunately, I can't find any way to do that in Rust. 不幸的是,我无法在Rust中找到任何方法。 How do I configure my environment to debug my tests? 如何配置环境以调试我的测试?

I'm not talking about adding println! 我不是在谈论添加println! statements in my tests, as I already know how to do that. 我的测试中的陈述,因为我已经知道如何做到这一点。 I'm also not talking about adding new assertions, because those reside in the test, not in the tested code. 我也不是在谈论添加新断言,因为它们存在于测试中,而不是测试代码中。

What I want is to use the VS Code Debugger on the code called by my test. 我想要的是在我的测试调用的代码上使用VS Code Debugger。

Rust unit tests are compiled as separate binaries, which means you debug them exactly the same as any other binary . Rust单元测试被编译为单独的二进制文件,这意味着您调试它们与任何其他二进制文件完全相同 Once compiled, they are located at ./target/debug/$name-$hash . 编译后,它们位于./target/debug/$name-$hash

Visual Studio Code Visual Studio代码

Here's modified versions of the VS Code configuration files that allow me to debug a unit test. 这是VS Code配置文件的修改版本,允许我调试单元测试。

tasks.json tasks.json

    "type": "shell",
    "label": "cargo test build",
    "command": "cargo",
    "args": [
        "test", "--no-run"
    "problemMatcher": [

launch.json launch.json

    "name": "Run Test Debugger",
    "type": "cppvsdbg",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/buggin-70708b3916187eeb.exe",
    "args": [],
    "stopAtEntry": false,
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "environment": [],
    "externalConsole": true,
    "preLaunchTask": "cargo test build",

Working 工作

VS Code调试器在测试中运行

Windbg WinDbg的

Build your tests: 构建测试:

cargo test --no-run

Open the built executable in Windbg and open the source file. 在Windbg中打开构建的可执行文件并打开源文件。


Finding the hash is the most annoying aspect. 查找哈希是最烦人的方面。 The best solution I know of is to write a small script that builds the tests and then finds the test executable based on which is newest. 我所知道的最好的解决方案是编写一个构建测试的小脚本,然后找到最新的测试可执行文件。 My Powershell skills are not adequate to the task, nor do I know how to directly integrate this with VS Code or Windbg. 我的Powershell技能不足以完成任务,也不知道如何将其与VS Code或Windbg直接集成。

There are open issues for Cargo to help with identifying the file: Cargo有一些未解决的问题可以帮助识别文件:

You could either use the println! 你可以使用println! debugging 调试

fn test_false() {
    println!("This test is not OK");
    assert!(1 == 2);

Or use the assert macro to provide custom messages. 或者使用assert宏来提供自定义消息。

fn test_complex() {
    let a = vec![1, 2];
    let b = vec![3, 4, 5];
    assert!(a.len() == b.len(), "Mismatch between vec lenghts! ({} - {})", a.len(), b.len());

This will result in 这将导致

cargo test
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running target/debug/deps/foo-3cf890b7dd22d797

running 3 tests
test test_complex ... FAILED
test test_false ... FAILED
test test_true ... ok


---- test_complex stdout ----
thread 'test_complex' panicked at 'Mismatch between vec lenghts! (2 - 3)', src/main.rs:21:5
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

---- test_false stdout ----
This test is not OK
thread 'test_false' panicked at 'assertion failed: 1 == 2', src/main.rs:14:5


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

error: test failed, to rerun pass '--bin foo'

Note: The third, good case has also a println! 注意:第三个好的案例也有println! in it, but it won't show up, because the test is successful. 在它,但它不会出现,因为测试是成功的。

In general, your test cases should always be that easy, that there should no need to debug your test cases, but your code. 通常,您的测试用例应该总是那么简单,不需要调试您的测试用例,而是您的代码。 But that's theory I guess :) 但我猜这是理论:)

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