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[英]How to unmarshal JSON in to array of interface and use

I am having difficulty understanding how to correctly unmarshal some JSON data that goes in to an array of type inteface and then use it. 我很难理解如何正确解组一些输入到inteface类型数组中的JSON数据,然后使用它。 I tried to make this example code as simple as possible to illustrate the problem I am having. 我试图使此示例代码尽可能简单,以说明我遇到的问题。 The code can be found in the playground here: https://play.golang.org/p/U85J_lBJ7Zr 该代码可以在操场上找到: https : //play.golang.org/p/U85J_lBJ7Zr

The output looks like: 输出如下:

[map[ObjectType:chair ID:1234 Brand:Blue Inc.] map[ID:5678 Location:Kitchen ObjectType:table]] { } false { } false [map [ObjectType:chair ID:1234 Brand:Blue Inc.] map [ID:5678 Location:Kitchen ObjectType:table]] {} false {} false


package main

import (

type Chair struct {
    ObjectType string
    ID string
    Brand string

type Table struct {
    ObjectType string
    ID string
    Location string

type House struct {
    Name string
    Objects []interface{}

func main() {
    var h House
    data := returnJSONBlob()
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &h)
    if err != nil {
    s1, ok := h.Objects[0].(Table)
    fmt.Println(s1, ok)
    s2, ok := h.Objects[0].(Chair)
    fmt.Println(s2, ok)


func returnJSONBlob() []byte {
    s := []byte(`
  "Name": "house1",
  "Objects": [
      "ObjectType": "chair",
      "ID": "1234",
      "Brand": "Blue Inc."
      "ObjectType": "table",
      "ID": "5678",
      "Location": "Kitchen"
    return s

I'm not sure if this is practical, since this is a simplified version of your scenario. 我不确定这是否可行,因为这是您方案的简化版本。 However, one way to do this is combine the two object types to a new one, Object , and then unmarshal them directly to Object instead of using interface{} : 但是,一种方法是将这两种对象类型组合为新的对象类型Object ,然后将它们直接解组到Object而不是使用interface{}

package main

import (

type Object struct {
    ObjectType string
    ID         string
    Brand      string
    Location   string

type House struct {
    Name    string
    Objects []Object

func returnJSONBlob() []byte {
    s := []byte(`
  "Name": "house1",
  "Objects": [
      "ObjectType": "chair",
      "ID": "1234",
      "Brand": "Blue Inc."
      "ObjectType": "table",
      "ID": "5678",
      "Location": "Kitchen"
    return s

func main() {
    var h House
    data := returnJSONBlob()
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &h)
    if err != nil {


Prints: 打印:

Blue Inc. 蓝色公司

Kitchen 厨房

Example here: https://play.golang.org/p/91F4UrQlSjJ 此处的示例: https : //play.golang.org/p/91F4UrQlSjJ

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