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Kubernetes Multi Master设置

[英]Kubernetes Multi Master setup

[SOLVED] flannel dont work with that I changed to weave net. [解决]法兰绒不工作,我改为编织网。 If you dont want to provide the pod-network-cidr: "" flag in the config.yaml 如果不想提供pod-network-cidr:config.yaml中的“”标志

I want to make a multi master setup with kubernetes and tried alot of different ways. 我想使用kubernetes进行多主设置,并尝试了许多不同的方法。 Even the last way I take don´t work. 甚至我采取的最后一种方法都行不通。 The problem is that the dns and the flannel network plugin don´t want to start. 问题在于dns和绒布网络插件不想启动。 They get every time the CrashLoopBackOff status. 他们每次获得CrashLoopBackOff状态。 The way I do it is listed below. 下面列出了我的操作方法。

First create a external etcd cluster with this command on every node (only the adresses changed) 首先在每个节点上使用此命令创建一个外部etcd集群(仅更改地址)

nohup etcd --name kube1 --initial-advertise-peer-urls \
  --listen-peer-urls \
  --listen-client-urls, \
  --advertise-client-urls \
  --initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \
  --initial-cluster kube1=,kube2=,kube3= \
  --initial-cluster-state new &

Then I created a config.yaml file for the kubeadm init command. 然后,我为kubeadm init命令创建了一个config.yaml文件。

apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: MasterConfiguration
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  apiserver-count: "3"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
token: "64bhyh.1vjuhruuayzgtykv"
tokenTTL: "0"

Start command: kubeadm init --config /root/config.yaml 启动命令:kubeadm init --config /root/config.yaml

So now copy the /etc/kubernetes/pki on the other nodes and the config and start the other master nodes the same way. 因此,现在在其他节点和配置上复制/ etc / kubernetes / pki,并以相同的方式启动其他主节点。 But it doesn´t work. 但这是行不通的。

So what is the right way to initialize a multi master kubernetes cluster or why does my flannel network not start? 那么初始化多主Kubernetes集群的正确方法是什么?为什么我的法兰绒网络无法启动?

Status from a flannel pod: 法兰绒吊舱的状态:

  Type     Reason                 Age               From            Message
  ----     ------                 ----              ----            -------
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  8m                kubelet, kube2  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "run"
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  8m                kubelet, kube2  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "cni"
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  8m                kubelet, kube2  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "flannel-token-swdhl"
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  8m                kubelet, kube2  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "flannel-cfg"
  Normal   Pulling                8m                kubelet, kube2  pulling image "quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64"
  Normal   Pulled                 8m                kubelet, kube2  Successfully pulled image "quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64"
  Normal   Created                8m                kubelet, kube2  Created container
  Normal   Started                8m                kubelet, kube2  Started container
  Normal   Pulled                 8m (x4 over 8m)   kubelet, kube2  Container image "quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64" already present on machine
  Normal   Created                8m (x4 over 8m)   kubelet, kube2  Created container
  Normal   Started                8m (x4 over 8m)   kubelet, kube2  Started container
  Warning  BackOff                3m (x23 over 8m)  kubelet, kube2  Back-off restarting failed container

etcd version etcd版本

etcd --version
etcd Version: 3.3.6
Git SHA: 932c3c01f
Go Version: go1.9.6
Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64

 kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.3", GitCommit:"2bba0127d85d5a46ab4b778548be28623b32d0b0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-05-21T09:17:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.4", GitCommit:"5ca598b4ba5abb89bb773071ce452e33fb66339d", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-06-06T08:00:59Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Last lines in nohup from etcd 来自etcd的nohup的最后几行

2018-06-06 19:44:28.441304 I | etcdserver: name = kube1
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441327 I | etcdserver: data dir = kube1.etcd
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441331 I | etcdserver: member dir = kube1.etcd/member
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441334 I | etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441336 I | etcdserver: election = 1000ms
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441338 I | etcdserver: snapshot count = 100000
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441343 I | etcdserver: advertise client URLs =
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441346 I | etcdserver: initial advertise peer URLs =
2018-06-06 19:44:28.441352 I | etcdserver: initial cluster = kube1=,kube2=,kube3=
2018-06-06 19:44:28.443825 I | etcdserver: starting member a4df4f699dd66909 in cluster 73f203cf831df407
2018-06-06 19:44:28.443843 I | raft: a4df4f699dd66909 became follower at term 0
2018-06-06 19:44:28.443848 I | raft: newRaft a4df4f699dd66909 [peers: [], term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
2018-06-06 19:44:28.443850 I | raft: a4df4f699dd66909 became follower at term 1
2018-06-06 19:44:28.447834 W | auth: simple token is not cryptographically signed
2018-06-06 19:44:28.448857 I | rafthttp: starting peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc...
2018-06-06 19:44:28.448869 I | rafthttp: started HTTP pipelining with peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc
2018-06-06 19:44:28.450791 I | rafthttp: started peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc
2018-06-06 19:44:28.450803 I | rafthttp: added peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc
2018-06-06 19:44:28.450809 I | rafthttp: starting peer fc9c29e972d01e69...
2018-06-06 19:44:28.450816 I | rafthttp: started HTTP pipelining with peer fc9c29e972d01e69
2018-06-06 19:44:28.453543 I | rafthttp: started peer fc9c29e972d01e69
2018-06-06 19:44:28.453559 I | rafthttp: added peer fc9c29e972d01e69
2018-06-06 19:44:28.453570 I | etcdserver: starting server... [version: 3.3.6, cluster version: to_be_decided]
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455414 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc (writer)
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455431 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc (writer)
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455445 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc (stream MsgApp v2 reader)
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455578 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer 9e0f381e79b9b9dc (stream Message reader)
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455697 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer fc9c29e972d01e69 (writer)
2018-06-06 19:44:28.455704 I | rafthttp: started streaming with peer fc9c29e972d01e69 (writer)

If you do not have any hosting preferences and if you are ok with creating cluster on AWS then it can be done very easily using KOPS. 如果您没有任何托管首选项,并且可以在AWS上创建集群,则可以使用KOPS轻松完成。

https://github.com/kubernetes/kops https://github.com/kubernetes/kops

Via KOPS you can easily configure the autoscaling group for master and can specify the number of master and nodes required for your cluster. 通过KOPS,您可以轻松地为主节点配置自动伸缩组,并可以指定集群所需的主节点和节点数。

Flannel dont work with that so I changed to weave net. 法兰绒不起作用,所以我改成编织网。 If you dont want to use provide the pod-network-cidr: "" flag in the config.yaml 如果您不想使用,请在config.yaml中提供pod-network-cidr:“”标志

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