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Windows Git服务器和Linux Git客户端

[英]Windows Git Server and Linux Git Client

I have a bare git repository set up on my Windows 2016 server, and I have a repository on a CentOS Linux client that I'm trying to push to the Windows server repo over http. 我在Windows 2016服务器上建立了一个裸露的git存储库,并且在CentOS Linux客户端上具有一个存储库,我正尝试通过http推送到Windows服务器存储库。 I keep getting a "Repo doesn't exist" error. 我不断收到“存储库不存在”的错误。 I have verified that the repo is accessible via http from a browser (I see all the repo files displayed). 我已验证可以从浏览器通过http访问回购协议(我看到显示的所有回购文件)。 I copied that same URL and setup a remote on my CentOS box and it can't find it. 我复制了相同的URL,并在CentOS机器上设置了一个遥控器,但找不到它。

I read somewhere that it might be a permissions issue. 我在某处读到它可能是权限问题。 Has anyone had this issue before, and has anyone been able to fix it? 以前有人遇到过这个问题吗,有人可以解决吗?

I can't seem to find an article that explains how to properly set up this type of environment. 我似乎找不到一篇文章来解释如何正确设置这种类型的环境。 I can only seem to find a Linux server to Windows client setup. 我似乎只能在Windows客户端安装程序中找到Linux服务器。

Update 更新资料

To be more clear on my setup: I downloaded git from https://git-scm.com/ . 要更清楚地了解我的设置,请执行以下操作:我从https://git-scm.com/下载了git。 I have an IIS 7 webserver hosting the git repository currently. 我有一个IIS 7网络服务器,目前托管git存储库。 I'm attempting to make a http connection from CentOS. 我正在尝试从CentOS建立http连接。 Do I really need third-party software to make it work, or will it work using just IIS and git? 我是否真的需要第三方软件才能使其运行,还是仅使用IIS和git即可运行?

It depends on how your Git repository hosting service is setup. 这取决于您的Git存储库托管服务的设置方式。

Both would explain how to setup HTTP access for Git repository on Windows (since they are multi-platform) 两者都将解释如何在Windows上为Git存储库设置HTTP访问(因为它们是多平台的)

Using IIS: " How to set up a git repository accessible through http on IIS ", it uses jakubgarfield/Bonobo-Git-Server . 使用IIS:“ 如何在 IIS 上设置可通过http访问的git存储库 ”,它使用jakubgarfield/Bonobo-Git-Server

Do I NEED a third part software to make it work, or will IIS and git work on their own? 我是否需要第三方软件才能使其运行,还是IIS和git可以独立运行? I'd prefer to not install anything else, unless necessary 我宁愿不要安装其他任何东西,除非有必要

Yes, it is preferable. 是的,这是可取的。 As illustrated with this old project , you need to call git-http-backend one way or the other. 如这个旧项目所示 ,您需要以一种或另一种方式调用git-http-backend

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