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Google Cloud 如何减少磁盘大小?

[英]Google Cloud How to reduce disk size?

I have an SDD disk of 200GB in Google Cloud, that I want to reduce to 50GB.我在 Google Cloud 中有一个 200GB 的 SDD 磁盘,我想将其减少到 50GB。 Google Cloud Console, and per documentation, only allows me to increase disk size. Google Cloud Console 和每个文档只允许我增加磁盘大小。

What solutions do I have to decrease disk size?我必须使用哪些解决方案来减小磁盘大小?

Only increasing disk size is supported.仅支持增加磁盘大小。 Disks can be resized regardless of whether they are attached.无论是否连接磁盘,都可以调整磁盘大小。

Read the following blog post for a solution to your problem.阅读以下博客文章以解决您的问题。 Google Compute Engine: Reducing the Size of a Persistent Disk Google Compute Engine:减少永久性磁盘的大小

Updating the blog mentioned by @Thisara (as the options are outdated):更新@Thisara 提到的博客(因为选项已过时):

  • Create a snapshot of the existing disk, so that you have a restore point.创建现有磁盘的快照,以便您拥有还原点。
  • Create a new persistent disk of the desired target size, and add it to the existing VM as an Additional Disk.创建所需目标大小的新永久性磁盘,并将其作为附加磁盘添加到现有 VM。 Restart the VM.重启虚拟机。
  • Install weresync via a .deb package from the releases and install with eg通过发行版中的 .deb 包安装weresync并安装,例如

curl https://github.com/DonyorM/weresync/releases/download/v1.1.5/weresync_1.1.5-1_all.deb && apt install <PATH_TO_FILE>.deb

available at https://github.com/DonyorM/weresync/releases .可在https://github.com/DonyorM/weresync/releases 获得 This can help where eg the pip installation fails这可以帮助例如 pip 安装失败的地方

  • Then run the daemon:然后运行守护进程:

sudo weresync-daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 &

  • Then clone the disk, taking care of partitions.然后克隆磁盘,注意分区。 Eg after running lsblk one can see the partitions as below for this example from a Google Cloud VM instance:例如,在运行lsblk后, lsblk可以从 Google Cloud VM 实例中看到此示例的分区如下:
sda       8:0    0    75G  0 disk 
├─sda1    8:1    0  74.9G  0 part /
├─sda14   8:14   0     4M  0 part 
└─sda15   8:15   0   106M  0 part /boot/efi

One might run:一个可能运行:

weresync -C --root-partition 1 --efi-partition 15 /dev/sda /dev/sdb

Or in shorthand:或者简写:

weresync -C -g 1 -E 15 /dev/sda /dev/sdb

  • Then, stop the instance and remove the disk.然后,停止实例并移除磁盘。 Start a new instance with this disk as the new boot disk.使用此磁盘作为新的启动磁盘启动一个新实例。
  • I was successful in cloning a disk via this method, but was unable to connect to the new VM via SSH.我通过这种方法成功克隆了磁盘,但无法通过 SSH 连接到新的 VM。 I suspect that there is an error related to mounting or fstab -https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/add-persistent-disk .我怀疑存在与挂载或 fstab 相关的错误 -https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/add-persistent-disk Please comment if you manage to figure it out.如果您设法弄清楚,请发表评论。

You can't reduce the size of a persistent disk.您无法减小永久性磁盘的大小。 See google compute docs below.请参阅下面的谷歌计算文档。

https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/working-with-persistent-disks?authuser=6#resize_pd https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/working-with-persistent-disks?authuser=6#resize_pd

Here is answer for anyone else that is trying to downsize the Boot Disk on a Google Cloud VM.这是其他任何试图缩小 Google Cloud VM 上启动磁盘大小的人的答案。 I tried many other solutions with no luck.我尝试了许多其他解决方案,但都没有运气。

  • Create a disk from an image, in my case I used Ubuntu.从图像创建磁盘,在我的例子中我使用了 Ubuntu。 This partitions the disk and marks the disk as bootable.这会对磁盘进行分区并将磁盘标记为可引导。

  • Add the disk to your VM with the Boot Disk you are wanting to resize.使用要调整大小的引导磁盘将磁盘添加到 VM。

  • Run lsblk to confirm the new disk location in my case it looked like:运行 lsblk 以确认我的新磁盘位置,它看起来像: 在此处输入图片说明

  • For me, sda was my primary Boot Disk (2.5T) and I wanted to shrink it to sdf (500G)对我来说,sda 是我的主要启动盘 (2.5T),我想将它缩小到 sdf (500G)

  • I installed 'weresync' with 'apt get' started the daemon, and ran:我用 'apt get' 安装了 'weresync' 启动了守护进程,然后运行:

    sudo weresync -C -g 1 -E 1 -B 15 /dev/sda /dev/sdf sudo aresync -C -g 1 -E 1 -B 15 /dev/sda /dev/sdf

  • I still received several errors from weresync but continued.我仍然收到来自 wassync 的几个错误,但继续。

  • Remove the 500G drive from your VM and use the new Boot Disk with the exiting VM instance, or create a new instance.从您的 VM 中移除 500G 驱动器,并将新启动磁盘与现有 VM 实例一起使用,或者创建一个新实例。 This was the only way I was able to ssh into the new copied disk instance and boot successfully.这是我能够通过 ssh 进入新复制的磁盘实例并成功启动的唯一方法。

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