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[英]Deploying JSP to users like a setup.exe or .dmg file

I'm researching using JSP for a project that could be accessed locally and over the web. 我正在研究将JSP用于可以在本地和通过Web访问的项目。 That is, I would be creating the project in JSP and would like to generate a kind of setup.exe that the client would run to set up the environment to run the JSP in their browser. 也就是说,我将在JSP中创建项目,并希望生成一种setup.exe,客户端将运行该setup.exe来设置环境以在其浏览器中运行JSP。 For example, if I were to choose Tomcat, do I create a setup program that also installs Tomcat and then stores the JSP application in the proper directory? 例如,如果要选择Tomcat,是否要创建一个安装程序,该程序也要安装Tomcat,然后将JSP应用程序存储在正确的目录中? More specially, for those in the industry that program JSP professionally, how does your company deploy a JSP application to the client? 更具体地说,对于行业内那些专业地对JSP进行编程的人员,贵公司如何将JSP应用程序部署到客户端? If you host the JSP application on your server what about a solution where the client hosts a local server so they can run the application locally on their machine? 如果将JSP应用程序托管在服务器上,那么客户端托管本地服务器以使他们可以在其计算机上本地运行该应用程序的解决方案呢? Is that possible? 那可能吗?

I think you have some confusion. 我觉得你有些困惑。 In a JSP-based application (note that that technology is very old and you should use JSF instead) there are two sides: the server side and the client side. 在基于JSP的应用程序中(请注意,该技术非常古老,您应该使用JSF)有两个方面:服务器端和客户端。

  • The server side has Tomcat or any other Web Application Server that deploys the JSPs as you said. 服务器端具有Tomcat或任何其他部署JSP的Web应用程序服务器,如您所说。

  • The client side just needs a browser (eg Mozilla, Chrome, Lynx, etc) to access the JSP-based application via Web. 客户端只需要一个浏览器(例如Mozilla,Chrome,Lynx等)即可通过Web访问基于JSP的应用程序。

In other words, you don't deploy in client machines. 换句话说,您不会在客户端计算机中进行部署。 You just deploy in the server and your clients access your application with, normally, a Web browser. 您只需在服务器中进行部署,客户端通常就可以通过Web浏览器访问应用程序。

Further reading: 进一步阅读:

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