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Outlook 2010电子邮件背景颜色html / css属性不起作用

[英]outlook 2010 email background color html/css property does not work

I have tried the below code for background color for header in email template. 我已经尝试了以下代码作为电子邮件模板标题中的背景颜色。 The code is working fine for other email clients, but in outlook 2010 it won't show up background color at all. 该代码对于其他电子邮件客户端而言效果很好,但是在Outlook 2010中,它根本不会显示背景色。 I have tried adding and removing 'px' but it did not make any difference. 我尝试添加和删除“ px”,但没有任何区别。 What change do I need to make to it to support in outlook 2010? 我需要对其进行哪些更改以支持Outlook 2010?

<div style="background-color: #xxxxx;" width="600" height="70"> </div>

You can replace it with this code below and use bgcolor in table tag or td tag or add style to table tag and include background style. 您可以在下面的代码中替换它,并在表格标签或td标签中使用bgcolor或向表格标签添加样式并包括背景样式。

I also added Screenshot showing its working in outlook 2010 我还添加了截图,显示了它在Outlook 2010中的工作原理

 <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="red" style="background: red;"> <tr> <td height="70" bgcolor="red"></td> </tr> </table> 

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