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如何对Amazon Alexa进行REST API调用

[英]How to make REST API calls to Amazon Alexa

I am building a custom Alexa skill and want to make REST API calls. 我正在构建一个自定义的Alexa技能,并希望进行REST API调用。 Currently, I am able to make GET request to fetch data from my web service which is then used by Alexa. 目前,我能够发出GET请求以从我的Web服务获取数据,然后由Alexa使用。 However, I have the following requirements and I am not sure how to go about developing this. 但是,我有以下要求,我不知道如何开发这个。

  1. Invoke the Skill (Complete) 调用技能(完成)
  2. User will invoke "Get List of Topics" intent, Alexa makes the GET REST API call and provides the "list of topics"(Complete) 用户将调用“获取主题列表”意图,Alexa进行GET REST API调用并提供“主题列表”(完成)
  3. Make Alexa prompt the user to select a topic from the list (Pending) 让Alexa提示用户从列表中选择一个主题(待定)
  4. Receive the response made by the user in the lambda function and use the response to make a POST/PUT call. 接收用户在lambda函数中做出的响应,并使用响应进行POST / PUT调用。 (Pending) (待定)
  5. Reprompt the user if the selected topic is invalid (Pending). 如果所选主题无效(待处理),则重新提示用户。

How do I implement 3, 4, and 5? 我该如何实现3,4和5? I am currently using Python 3.6 to write the lambda function at AWS developer console. 我目前正在使用Python 3.6在AWS开发人员控制台上编写lambda函数。 Are there any Amazon Alexa APIs guide for Python 3.6. 是否有适用于Python 3.6的Amazon Alexa API指南。

How do I do this in Java which is my preferred way? 我如何在Java中这样做,这是我的首选方式?

I followed the instructions here to develop what I currently have: https://github.com/simonprickett/alexabart 我按照这里的说明开发了我目前的产品: https//github.com/simonprickett/alexabart

Is there any detailed documentation available on how to write Alexa specific lambda function and its associated API guide for Python3 or Java. 是否有关于如何编写Alexa特定lambda函数及其相关的Python3或Java API指南的详细文档。

Thanks 谢谢

You can use slots and Dialog.ElicitSlot directives, to get the information from the user. 您可以使用slotsDialog.ElicitSlot指令来从用户获取信息。 More specifically, you'll need a slot for which you will return Dialog.ElicitSlot response, and in the speechOutput of the response you'll provide the list of options, and when user provides the information, it'll be collected in the slot. 更具体地说,您将需要一个插槽,您将返回Dialog.ElicitSlot响应,并在响应的speechOutput中提供选项列表,当用户提供信息时,它将被收集在插槽中。 see this : https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/dialog-interface-reference.html#elicitslot 请看: https//developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/dialog-interface-reference.html#elicitslot

If you're looking for code, this is what I did in Python 2.7 如果您正在寻找代码,这就是我在Python 2.7中所做的

def dialog_elicit_slot(output, slotToElicit, city_name, movie_name, attributes, multiplex = None, confirmationStatus = "CONFIRMED"):
    return {
        "version": "1.0",
        "sessionAttributes": attributes,
        "response": {
            "outputSpeech": {
                "type": "PlainText",
                "text": output
            "shouldEndSession": False,
            "directives": [
                    "type": "Dialog.ElicitSlot",
                    "slotToElicit": slotToElicit,
                    "updatedIntent": {
                        "name": "GetMovieDetails",
                        "confirmationStatus": confirmationStatus,
                        "slots": {
                            "CITY": {
                                "name": "CITY",
                                "confirmationStatus": "CONFIRMED" if city_name != None else "NONE",
                                "value": city_name
                            "NAME": {
                                "name": "NAME",
                                "confirmationStatus": "CONFIRMED" if movie_name != None else "NONE",
                                "value": movie_name
                            "MULTIPLEX": {
                                "name": "MULTIPLEX",
                                "confirmationStatus": "CONFIRMED" if multiplex != None else "NONE",
                                "value" : multiplex

Here, you can see I had 3 slots, out of which 2 ( CITY and NAME ) were made required in the skill builder. 在这里,您可以看到我有3个插槽,其中2个( CITYNAME )在技能构建器中是必需的。

This is what my skill does. 这就是我的技能所做的。 It asks for the city and name of the movie in the beginning (invokation of the skill), then my skill would make a GET request to remote site to get the list of mulitplexes. 它在开始时要求电影的城市和名称(技能的调用),然后我的技能将向远程站点发出GET请求以获取多个复选框列表。 And when I had the list of multiplexes which show that movie(which the user told and is collected in NAME slot) in his particular city, I give them the list of Multiplexes (which is just a string, output variable in the above code). 当我在他的特定城市中有多路复用列表显示该电影(用户告诉并在NAME插槽中收集)时,我给他们多路复用器列表(这只是一个字符串,上面代码中的output变量) 。 And Dialog.ElicitSlot directive collects the slot information for the slotToElicit slot(which in this case is MULTIPLEX ). Dialog.ElicitSlot指令收集slotToElicit插槽(在本例中为MULTIPLEX )的插槽信息。

If this looks overwhelming, you can just contact me directly. 如果这看起来势不可挡,您可以直接与我联系。

If you have a lot of questions and you want each of them answered, you can use sessionAttributes variable. 如果您有很多问题,并且希望每个问题都得到解答,则可以使用sessionAttributes变量。 The session variable can retain it's value through out the course of the session. 会话变量可以在会话过程中保留其值。 You can make a dictionary to be saved in your sessionAttributes (It has to be a dictionary). 您可以将字典保存在sessionAttributes (它必须是字典)。

You can save something like this in your session variable. 您可以在会话变量中保存这样的内容。

sessionAttributes: {
    "AllQuestions" : ["string", "string"],
    "LastQuestionIndex" : integer

I'm assuming you're able to get the list of questions (using a GET request). 我假设您能够获得问题列表(使用GET请求)。

Step 1 : Make a slot 第1步:制作一个插槽

Answer would be a slot which is going to store your answer. Answer将是一个存储您的答案的插槽。

Step 2 : Get your questions ready 第2步:准备好你的问题

When your intent has just started and you don't have anything in your sessionAttributes (use a simple if-else) you'll have to make the GET request and gather all of your questions (maybe in a list or something). 当你的意图刚刚开始并且你的sessionAttributes没有任何东西时(使用简单的if-else)你必须发出GET请求并收集你所有的问题(可能在列表或其他东西中)。 You make your GET request and store all the questions in your sessionAttributes['AllQuestions'] . 您发出GET请求并将所有问题存储在sessionAttributes['AllQuestions'] And set LastQuestionIndex = -1 . 并设置LastQuestionIndex = -1

Now the tricky part comes in. (I'm also assuming you're able to use Dialog.ElicitSlot Directive). 现在棘手的部分进来了。 (我还假设你能够使用Dialog.ElicitSlot指令)。

Step 3 : Ask questions one-by-one. 第3步:逐个提问。

Now you have a list of all the questions and you also have the index of last question that was asked. 现在您有一个所有问题的列表,并且您还有最后一个问题的索引。 And now you just have to increment the index, get the Next Question, and use Dialog.ElicitSlot Directive to ask this new question. 现在你只需要增加索引,得到下一个问题,并使用Dialog.ElicitSlot指令来提出这个新问题。 And update the LastQuestionIndex in your sessionAttributes. 并更新LastQuestionIndex中的LastQuestionIndex。

Step 4 : Getting the answer 第4步:得到答案

Before proceeding to next question, you'll also have to check if the slot Answer has any value or not? 在继续下一个问题之前,您还必须检查插槽Answer是否有任何价值? If it does have a value (it is not "None"), then you can use the LastQuestionIndex variable and store the answer for that particular question. 如果它确实有一个值(它不是“None”),那么您可以使用LastQuestionIndex变量并存储该特定问题的答案。

If you're looking for code, here you go: 如果您正在寻找代码,请转到:

# Line 1 - 22 should be in your intent function
sessionAttributes =  dict()
if 'sessionAttributes' in event['session']: 
    sessionAttributes = event['session']['sessionAttributes']

if not sessionAttributes.has_key('AllQuestions') : 
    # Make the GET REQUEST
    Questions = ["all", "of", "your", "Questions", "stored", "in", "a", "list"]
    sessionAttributes['AllQuestions'] = Questions
    sessionAttributes['LastQuestionIndex'] = -1

Answer = getSlotValue('Answer')
if Answer != None:
    # AllAnswers is a dictionary which has key as the question number and value is the answer
    # AllAnswers = {
    #   0 : "Answer to your first question",
    #   1 : "Answer to your second question"
    # }
    AllAnswers[sessionAttributes['LastQuestionIndex']] = Answer

return ansNextQuestion(sessionAttributes)

def askNextQuestion(sessionAttributes) :
    Last = sessionAttributes['LastQuestionIndex']
    sessionAttributes['LastQuestionIndex'] = Last + 1

    if Last < len(sessionAttributes['AllQuestions']): 
        outputSpeech = "Your next question is " + sessionAttributes['AllQuestions'][Last + 1]
        return {
            "version": "1.0",
            "sessionAttributes": sessionAttributes,
            "response": {
                "outputSpeech": {
                    "type": "PlainText",
                    "text": outputSpeech
                "shouldEndSession": False,
                "directives": [
                        "type": "Dialog.ElicitSlot",
                        "slotToElicit": "Question",
                        "updatedIntent": {
                            "name": "GetMovieDetails",
                            "confirmationStatus": "NONE",
                            "slots": {
                                "Answer": {
                                    "name": "Answer",
                                    "value": "NONE" # You can change the value of Answer to get new answer, this is allowed.
    else : 
        # You are out of questions, now proceed to what you should do after getting all the answers.

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