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[英]Unable to come out of the loop while reading data from serial communication port (COM1)

I am using https://github.com/rm5248/JavaSerial and developed a project for writing and reading data from serial port. 我正在使用https://github.com/rm5248/JavaSerial并开发了一个用于从串行端口写入和读取数据的项目。 Both are happening perfectly fine, but I am not able to find the last byte of information and come out of the loop. 两者都进行得很好,但是我无法找到信息的最后一个字节并退出循环。

Any pointers here are highly appreciated. 非常感谢这里的任何指针。

            portName = currPortId.getName();
        // This would be COM1, COM2, etc on Windows
        // SerialPort s = new SerialPort(portName);
        SerialPort s = new SerialPort("COM1");//, SerialPort.NO_CONTROL_LINE_CHANGE);
        InputStream is = s.getInputStream();
        OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream();

        String st = "";
        st = "5230" + 31 + String.format("%02X", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(179) })
                + String.format("%02X", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(83) });
        os.write(hexStringToByteArray(st + "0D"));

        System.out.println("Data written");

        byte[] dataRead = new byte[753];
        int bytesRead = 0;/* = is.read(dataRead); */
        while (bytesRead != -1 /*|| dataRead.equals("end")*//*equals("353535")*/) {
             * System.out.println("Data in string format is " + new
             * String(dataRead, "UTF-8").replace("\n", "").replace("\r",
             * "").trim());
            // bytesRead = is.read(dataRead);

            bytesRead = is.read(dataRead);


            System.out.println("bytesRead value is " + bytesRead);

            String theString = new String(dataRead, "UTF-8").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim();

            System.out.println("theString value is " + theString);

             * sb[0].append(theString); data.add(sb[0].toString()); if
             * (dataRead[(dataRead.length - 1)] == 13) {
             * data.add(sb[0].toString()); sb[0] = new StringBuilder(); }

            System.out.println("data value is " + data);

I tried some of the things like 我尝试了一些诸如

  while (bytesRead != -1)

But was not useful 但是没用

The InputStream that you get back from the SerialPort follows the same rules that a normal InputStream does, which means that is.read() is a blocking call. SerialPort取回的InputStream遵循与普通InputStream相同的规则,这意味着is.read()是阻塞调用。 The only time that is.read() will return -1 for the end of input is when the serial port is closed. 在输入结束时, is.read()唯一会返回-1的时间是在关闭串行端口时。

If you want to read exactly 753 bytes, you should break out of your loop after you have read that number of bytes. 如果您想精确地读取753个字节,则在读取该字节数后应退出循环。

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