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[英]Adding Attribute to HTML element with jQuery

Utilizing jQuery .children... 正在使用jQuery .children ...

var strHtml = $(dt.row(row_idx).child()).children().children().html();

...to pass in the following HTML: ...以传递以下HTML:

    <td>some info</td>
    <td>Assistance Required:</td>
    <td>​Translation, writing and speaking capabilities </td>
    <td>not listed</td>

How do I grab the label cells ( <td>Notes:</td> , <td>Assistance Required:</td> , <td>Unit:</td> ) and move to their next corresponding value cell to add a colspan property to the <td> and then return the finished html? 如何获取标签单元格( <td>Notes:</td><td>Assistance Required:</td><td>Unit:</td> )并移至其下一个对应的值单元格以添加一个colspan属性为<td> ,然后返回完成的html?

The result should look like... 结果应该像...

    <td colspan="12">some info</td>
    <td>Assistance Required:</td>
    <td colspan="12">Translation, writing and speaking capabilities </td>
    <td colspan="12">not listed</td>

Take your string and load up a temporary element you create in memory only with that string. 取出您的字符串并加载仅使用该字符串在内存中创建的临时元素。

You can use the :nth-child() pseudo-class selector to just select the second child <td> element in each row and then use the JQuery .attr() method to add an attribute to those elements: 您可以使用:nth-child()伪类选择器在每行中选择第二个子元素<td> ,然后使用JQuery .attr()方法向这些元素添加属性:

 var strHTML = `<table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Notes:</td> <td>some info</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Assistance Required:</td> <td>​Translation, writing and speaking capabilities </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unit:</td> <td>not listed</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>` // Create a temporary element in memory only var temp = document.createElement("div"); // Load the string into the temp element $(temp).html(strHTML); // Now, you can search through the element $("td:nth-child(2)", temp).attr("colspan", "12"); // Add the attribtue to the second td in each tr console.log($(temp).html()); // Get the HTML contents of the <table> 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

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