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JTable TableCellRenderer无法正确着色

[英]JTable TableCellRenderer not coloring correctly

I have created a simple JTable with my custom DefaultTableCellRenderer . 我使用自定义的DefaultTableCellRenderer创建了一个简单的JTable On its own it is working fine (coloring last column). 就其本身而言,它可以正常工作(为最后一列着色)。 But as soon as I select a row OR filter/unfilter it, the row is colored, even if it shouldn't be colored at all. 但是,一旦我选择了行或对其进行了过滤/取消过滤,即使该行根本没有被着色,该行也会被着色。

My renderer: 我的渲染器:

public class StatusCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
            int row, int col) {
        Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus,
                table.convertRowIndexToModel(row), col);
        DataTableModel model = (DataTableModel) table.getModel();
        String data = model.getValueAt(table.convertRowIndexToModel(row), col).toString();
        if (col == 3 && data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
        if (col == 3 && !data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
            c.setBackground(new Color(255, 51, 51));
        return c;

How it initially looks (and how it always should look): 最初的外观(以及始终应如何显示):


And after selecting 2 rows (the top and bottom one): 然后选择2行(顶部和底部的一行):


As you can see, there are a few rows GREEN, which shouldn't be colored at all. 如您所见,有几行是绿色的,根本不应该上色。 Whats even more disturbing is the fact that I only selected the top and bottom row of the green block, which means that it automatically also colors the rows in between. 更令人不安的是,我只选择了绿色块的顶部和底部行,这意味着它还会自动为中间的行着色。

How can I stop this behavior and only color the rows as shown in the first picture? 如何停止这种行为,只为第一行中的颜色着色?

The accepted answer helped me very much to overcome the issues and this is the final code: 接受的答案非常有助于我克服这些问题,这是最终代码:

public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
        int row, int col) {
    Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus,
            table.convertRowIndexToModel(row), table.convertColumnIndexToModel(col));
    DataTableModel model = (DataTableModel) table.getModel();
    String data = model.getValueAt(table.convertRowIndexToModel(row), table.convertColumnIndexToModel(col))
    if (!isSelected) {
        if (col == 3 && data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (col == 3 && !data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
            c.setBackground(new Color(255, 51, 51));
        } else {
    } else {
    return c;

It colors blue if the cell is selected and if not, then it colors WHITE, GREEN or RED depending on the value 如果选择了该单元格,则该单元格显示为蓝色;如果未选中该单元格,则根据该值将其显示为白色,绿色或红色。

Since the renderer component will be re-used, consider setting a default color when no condition match : 由于渲染器组件将被重复使用,因此请在条件不匹配时考虑设置默认颜色:

    if (col == 3 && data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
    else if (col == 3 && !data.equalsIgnoreCase("successful") && !data.isEmpty()) {
        c.setBackground(new Color(255, 51, 51));
    else {

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