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[英]In a trivially copyable struct shall the move semantics be implemented?

I have such a struct: 我有这样一个结构:

template <class T> struct Dimensions
    T horizontal{}, vertical{};

    Dimensions() = default;
    Dimensions(const T& horizontal, const T& vertical)
        : horizontal(horizontal), vertical(vertical) {}
    Dimensions(const Dimensions& other) = default;
    Dimensions& operator=(const Dimensions& other) = default;
    Dimensions(Dimensions&& other) = default; // ?
    Dimensions& operator=(Dimensions&& other) = default; // ?
    ~Dimensions() = default;

    // ... + - * / += -= *= areNull() ...


which I instantiate like Dimensions<int> or Dimensions<double> . 我实例化了Dimensions<int>Dimensions<double> Since it is trivially copyable , what would be the best policy here, generate the move constructor and move assignment operators as = default or avoid the implicit ones by = delete ? 由于它是可以轻易复制的 ,这里最好的策略是什么,生成移动构造函数并将赋值运算符移动为= default或者通过= delete避免隐式运算符?

generate the move constructor and move assignment operators as = default or avoid the implicit ones by = delete ? 生成移动构造函数并将赋值运算符移动为= default或通过= delete避免隐式运算符?

The former, unless you want any code that attempts to std::move your type to fail compilation. 前者,除非你想要任何试图std::move你的类型以使编译失败的代码。 Eg 例如

template <typename T>
void foo()
    T a;
    T b = std::move(a);

struct X
    X() = default;
    X(X&&) = delete;

int main() { foo<X>(); }

live example on wandbox.org wandbox.org上的实例

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