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[英]Column count in a SQL Query

I want to put COUNT(item_id) in this statement: 我想在此语句中放入COUNT(item_id)

SELECT * FROM `notifications` WHERE `uid` = '3' AND `seen` = '0' AND id IN (
SELECT MAX(id), COUNT(item_id)
FROM `notifications`
GROUP BY item_id

But This error occurred: Operand should contain 1 column(s). 但是发生此错误: 操作数应包含1列。

Table: 表:

[id] [uid] [item_id] [seen]
 1     3       69       0
 2     3       69       0
 3     3       70       0
 4     3       69       0
 5     3       70       0
 6     3       69       0

Expected output: (Order BY id DESC) where 69 is the last record. 预期输出: (Order BY id DESC),其中69是最后一条记录。

[item_id] [num]
    69      4
    70      2

An educated guess says that you want a JOIN : 有根据的猜测说您想要JOIN

SELECT n.*, nmax.cnt
FROM notifications n JOIN
     (SELECT item_id,  MAX(id) as max_id, COUNT(item_id) as cnt
      FROM notifications
      GROUP BY item_id
     ) nmax
     ON n.item_id = nmax.item_id AND nmax.id = nmax.max_id
WHERE n.uid = 3 AND n.seen = 0  -- removed the single quotes because these are probably numbers

It is unclear whether you want the filtering conditions in the subquery as well. 还不清楚您是否还需要子查询中的过滤条件。

Given your sample data and expected results, there's no need for a subquery: 根据您的样本数据和预期结果,无需子查询:

select item_id, count(*)
from notifications
group by item_id
where uid = 3 and seen = 0
order by max(id) desc;

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