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无法转换类型为&#39;Swift.Array的值 <Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Swift.String> &gt;”()到“ Swift.Dictionary” <Swift.String, Any> &#39;()

[英]Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Array<Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Swift.String>>' () to 'Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Any>' ()

This is my JSON, when i read ord , uniq data i'm getting errors 这是我的JSON,当我读取ord时,uniq数据出现错误

let response2 : [String: Any]  = ["Response":["status":"SUCCESS","error_code":"0","message":"SUCCESS","Array":[

My code is 我的代码是

let status = "\((response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["status"]!)"

if status == "SUCCESS" {
   let count = ((response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["Array"] as AnyObject).count!
   let ar = (response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["Array"]!

   var ord_id: [Any] = []
   for i in 0..<count {
       ord_id.append((response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["Array"]! [0] as! [String:Any])// Here I'm getting Type 'Any' has no subscript members and 

} else {
   print("Show alert")

When write like this I'm getting Error: Type 'Any' has no subscript members 当这样写时,我得到错误: 类型“ Any”没有下标成员

let ar = (response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["Array"]! [0] as! [String: Any]          

When I write like this Error: Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Array>' (0x10bf341f0) to 'Swift.Dictionary' (0x10bf340d0). 当我这样写时:错误: 无法将类型'Swift.Array>'(0x10bf341f0)的值强制转换为'Swift.Dictionary'(0x10bf340d0)。

let ar = (response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any])["Array"]! as! [String: Any]

I'm unable to understand what is the exact problem an how to solve it. 我无法理解确切的问题是什么以及如何解决。

To get count you need to do... 要计数,您需要做...

if let res = response2["Response"] as? [String: Any], let arr = res["Array"] as? [[String: Any]] {
  print("array count = \(arr.count)")
} else {
   print("Array not found !!")

To get array from "Response" key... 要从“响应”键获取数组...

var ord_id: [Any] = []

if let res = response2["Response"] as? [String: Any] {
    if let arr = res["Array"] as? [Any], arr.count > 0 {
      ord_id = arr

EDIT: 编辑:

To get "old" and "uniq" key value, you need to get through an array and get required object. 要获取“ old”和“ uniq”键值,您需要遍历数组并获取必需的对象。

var ordId_arr = [String]()
var uniq_arr = [String]()

for obj in ord_id {


 if let dict = obj as? [String: Any] {
    //print(dict["ord"] as! String)
    //print(dict["uniq"] as! String)
    //print(dict["name"] as! String)
   //you can get other values in same way

   if let ord = dict["ord"] as? String {

    if let uniq = dict["uniq"] as? String {



Parse can be done by, Also you can use Decodable for parsing JSON into objects. 可以通过进行解析,也可以使用Decodable将JSON解析为对象。

let response = response2["Response"]! as! [String: Any]
let status = response["status"]!

if let array = response["Array"] as? Array<Dictionary<String, Any>> {
     let ordArray = array.map { $0["ord"] }
     let unique = Array(Set(ordArray)) //Do if needs to stripe duplicates
     let uniqArray = array.map { $0["uniq"] }


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