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如何将Azure AKS Kubernetes Cluster自签名CA添加到GitLab CI / CD Kubernetes集成?

[英]How to add an Azure AKS Kubernetes Cluster self-signed CA to GitLab CI/CD Kubernetes integration?

I'm trying to add my Azure AKS Kubernetes cluster to my GitLab CI/CD Kubernetes integration. 我正在尝试将我的Azure AKS Kubernetes集群添加到我的GitLab CI / CD Kubernetes集成中。

I can execute kubectl commands on the cluster from my pc, after I ran this command: 运行此命令后,我可以从我的电脑上执行集群上的kubectl命令:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <kubernetes-cluster-name>

It created a .kube/config file with a content like this: 它创建了一个.kube/config文件,其内容如下:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: <some long base64 string here>
    server: https://<resource-group-name+some-hexadecimal-chars>.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443
  name: <kubernetes-cluster-name>
- context:
    cluster: <kubernetes-cluster-name>
    user: clusterUser_<resource-group-name>_<kubernetes-cluster-name>
  name: <kubernetes-cluster-name>
current-context: <kubernetes-cluster-name>
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: clusterUser_<resource-group-name>_<kubernetes-cluster-name>
    client-certificate-data: <some long base64 string here>
    client-key-data: <some long base64 string here>
    token: <some secret string of hexadecimal chars here>

In GitLab form, I have to input these fields: 在GitLab表单中,我必须输入以下字段:

  1. Kubernetes cluster name Kubernetes集群名称
  3. CA Certificate - Certificate Authority bundle (PEM format) CA证书 - 证书颁发机构捆绑(PEM格式)
  4. Token 代币
  5. Project namespace (optional, unique) 项目命名空间(可选,唯一)

I tried these values: 我试过这些值:

  1. I put my <kubernetes-cluster-name> to match the name of the cluster on azure and the cluster name on the .kube/config file. 我将<kubernetes-cluster-name>与azure上的集群名称和.kube/config文件中的集群名称相.kube/config
  2. I put the url https://<resource-group-name+some-hexadecimal-chars>.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443 copied from the .kube/config file. 我从.kube/config文件中复制了url https://<resource-group-name+some-hexadecimal-chars>.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443
  3. I tried first the certificate-authority-data from the .kube/config file, but didn't work and I already tried all three base64 strings from the .kube/config file, none worked. 我首先尝试了.kube/config文件中的certificate-authority-data ,但是没有用,我已经尝试了.kube/config文件中的所有三个base64字符串,没有用。
  4. I put the token from the .kube/config file. 我把令牌放在.kube/config文件中。
  5. Leave this empty, as it is optional. 将其留空,因为它是可选的。

In GitLab, When I try to hit the button Install to install the Helm Tiller, I got this error: 在GitLab中,当我尝试按下Install按钮以安装Helm Tiller时,我收到此错误:

Something went wrong while installing Helm Tiller
Can't start installation process. nested asn1 error

And sometimes I get this error instead: 有时我会得到这个错误:

Kubernetes error: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed

I'm trying to make this to work since yesterday, had google it a lot and doesn't find anything. 我试图让它从昨天开始工作,谷歌很多,没有找到任何东西。

I think the problem is with this 3rd field, the CA Certificate, maybe there are some other way to get this content from the command line az or kubectl . 我认为问题在于第三个字段,即CA证书,也许还有一些其他方法可以从命令行azkubectl获取此内容。

Are there someone here that already got this Kubernetes integration from GitLab to Azure AKS working? 这里有人从GitLab到Azure AKS的Kubernetes集成吗?

I found out later that the base64 string in the certificate-authority-data of the .kube/config file that I was coping its content into the CA Certificate field of GitLab "Add Kubernetes cluster" form, it is the PEM format, but base64 encoded. 我后来发现.kube/config文件的certificate-authority-data中的base64字符串我将其内容复制到GitLab“添加Kubernetes集群”的CA Certificate字段中,它是PEM格式,但是base64编码。

The PEM format already is a base64 encoded representation of the certificate bits, but it has some line breaks in the middle. PEM格式已经是证书位的base64编码表示,但它在中间有一些换行符。 This whole content is base64 encoded again before it goes to the .kube/config so it is turned into a big base64 single-line string. 整个内容在进入.kube/config之前再次进行base64编码,因此它变成了一个很大的base64单行字符串。

I just had to base64 decode this big single-line string (I used the javascript atob("....") in the Chrome's Console window), what gave me something like this: 我只需要对这个大的单行字符串进行base64解码(我在Chrome的控制台窗口中使用了javascript atob("....") ),这给了我这样的东西:


Then I just copied this content into the GitLab "CA Certificate" field and it worked. 然后我只是将这些内容复制到GitLab“CA证书”字段中并且它有效。

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