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[英]Resolve promise inside chain

I'm having some trouble resolving promises inside a chain. 我在解决链内的承诺时遇到了一些麻烦。 In the JSBin below you can see the code I have (NodeJS and mongo). 在下面的JSBin中,您可以看到我拥有的代码(NodeJS和mongo)。 How can I return the data from 2 levels down the chain? 如何从链的2个级别返回数据? Here is the code and JSBIN 这是代码和JSBIN

function test(url) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  return scrapeIt({
    url: url,
    headers: { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36' }
  }, {
      urls: {
        listItem: '#list',
        data: {
          url: {
            selector: "span[data-label='url']"
      currentPage: {
        selector: 'span.current',
        convert: x => parseInt(x)
      pages: {
        selector: 'span.pages',
        convert: x => parseInt(x)
    }).then(({ data, response }) => {
      return MongoClient.connect(config.db.serverUrl, function (err, db) {
        var dbo = db.db(config.db.name)
        var urlsToInsert = data.urls

        return dbo.collection(config.db.collection).find({ 'url': { '$in': data.urls } }, { projection: { _id: 0 } }).toArray(function (err, res) {
          if (res && res.length > 0) {
            // Exclude properties already in DB
            urlsToInsert = urlsToInsert.filter(x => !res.some(y => x.url == y.url))
            if (urlsToInsert && urlsToInsert.length > 0)
              return dbo.collection(config.db.collection).insertMany(urlsToInsert, function (err, res) {
                console.log("Number of documents inserted: " + res.insertedCount)

                return urlsToInsert

test('https://www.google.com').then(({ data, response }) => {
}).catch((error) => {

JSBin snippet JSBin片段

Update 1 更新1

My actual code is much longer so I took out a lot of the code that was not required for the issue to make sense. 我的实际代码更长,因此我取出了很多使问题有意义的代码。 I fixed the issue with the urlsToInsert being null. 我修复了urlsToInsert为null的问题。 Also returning now urlsToInsert. 现在还返回urlsToInsert。

I have tried to rewrite the last part but your code would not work because you're setting urlsToInsert to an empty array and then filtering it. 我试图重写最后一部分,但是您的代码无法正常工作,因为您将urlsToInsert设置为一个空数组,然后对其进行过滤。

You're returning propertiesToInsert that's never defined anywhere in your code. 您将返回从未在代码中的任何地方定义的propertiesToInsert

  ({ data, response }) =>
    new Promise(
        MongoClient.connect(config.db.serverUrl,(err, db) =>
          (err, db) =>
              ? reject(err)
              : resolve(db.db(config.db.name))
    new Promise(
          { 'url': { '$in': data.urls } },
          { projection: { _id: 0 } }
        ).toArray((err, res) =>
            ? reject(err)
            : resolve(res)
        var urlsToInsert = [];
        if (res && res.length > 0) {
          // Exclude properties already in DB THIS MAKES NO SENSE, FILTERING AN EMPTY ARRAY
          urlsToInsert = urlsToInsert.filter(x => !res.some(y => x.url == y.url))
          if (urlsToInsert && urlsToInsert.length > 0) {
            return new Promise(
                dbo.collection(config.db.collection).insertMany(urlsToInsert, function (err, res) {
                  if(err){reject(err);}//this never happens anyway
                  console.log("Number of documents inserted: " + res.insertedCount);    
                  //what are you returning here?
          return [];//what to return if there are no urls to insert (always because you're filtering empty array)

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