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Lustre的Docker Swarm Volumes?

[英]Docker Swarm Volumes with Lustre?

I have a docker swarm setup for HDFS data nodes as follows (truncated): 我为HDFS数据节点设置了docker swarm设置,如下所示(已截断):

    image: bde2020/hadoop-datanode:2.0.0-hadoop2.7.4-java8
      - datanode:/hadoop/dfs/data
      mode: global
        constraints: [ node.role == worker ]

Each datanode container has an associated datanode volume that are currently being stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes (local to each node). 每个datanode容器都有一个关联的datanode卷,该卷当前存储在/ var / lib / docker / volumes中(每个节点本地)。 I have access to a much larger (and faster) lustre file system and am seeking to understand how one could store the volumes on the Lustre file system. 我可以使用更大(且更快)的光泽文件系统,并试图了解如何将卷存储在光泽文件系统上。

One potential is to symlink /var/lib/docker/volumes to /lustre/nodeN (where N is the physical node number), but it seems that the namenode would not be able to handle a stack restart because the data would (potentially) be moved to another node. 一种可能是将/ var / lib / docker / volumes符号链接到/ lustre / nodeN(其中N是物理节点号),但是namenode似乎无法处理堆栈重启,因为数据(可能)会被移动到另一个节点。

Does a docker drive exist to support docker volumes on lustre file systems in a swarm? 是否存在docker驱动器以支持集群中光泽文件系统上的docker卷? If not, how are teams managing docker volume data persistence for systems like HDFS? 如果没有,团队如何管理HDFS等系统的docker卷数据持久性?

I'm afraid not if I haven't misunderstood you, because driver: lustre or similar doesn't exist for docker configuration in the same way it exist for nfs , for example: 恐怕没有误会您的意思是,因为docker配置不存在driver: lustre或类似的东西,例如nfs存在:

      driver: local
        type: <here is where you could try to put lustre, but it doesn't exist>
        o: addr=$IPADDR,rw
        device: ":/hadoop/dfs/data"

So, if you regard the following schema, try with lustre-graph-driver 因此,如果您考虑以下架构,请尝试使用lustre-graph-driver

在此处输入图片说明 https://github.com/bacaldwell/lustre-graph-driver/blob/master/lustre-graph-driver.jpg https://github.com/bacaldwell/lustre-graph-driver/blob/master/lustre-graph-driver.jpg

More information in lustre-graph-driver HOWTO lustre-graph-driver HOWTO中的更多信息

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