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[英]Override the implementation of a base class such that calls from inherited base class functions also call the overidden function

I have to override a function in a base class in such a way that calls to inherited functions also lead to calls to this overridden function instead of the base implementation. 我必须以这样的方式覆盖基类中的函数,即对继承的函数的调用也会导致对该覆盖函数的调用,而不是对基础实现的调用。

class base_class
    string abc;
    public int get_1()
        return 1;
    public  int get_number()
        return get_1()+1;

class der_class : base_class
    public int get_1()
        return 2;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        der_class abc = new der_class();

This prints 2. How can I get the output to be 3 by making the get_number to call overridden get_1? 打印输出2。如何通过使get_number调用覆盖的get_1来使输出为3?

You need the override keyword to actually override a method, otherwise you are hiding it. 您需要override关键字才能实际覆盖方法,否则将其隐藏。

class der_class : base_class
    // note the word override here!
    public override int get_1()
        return 2;

Also, you need to make the method virtual in the base class: 另外,您需要在基类中使该方法virtual

class base_class
    string abc;
    // note the word virtual here!
    public virtual int get_1()
        return 1;
    public  int get_number()
        return get_1()+1;

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