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[英]Can we define a variable inside a Jenkins parameterized build

My scenario is, I have parameterized build and inside the build section, I have executed shell where I define a variable and then echo to print it. 我的场景是,我已经对build进行了参数化,并且在build部分中,我执行了shell,在其中定义了一个变量,然后回显以将其打印出来。 But it doesn't print anything in the console output. 但是它不会在控制台输出中显示任何内容。

I hope I have made myself clear. 我希望我已经说清楚了。 Could anyone please answer my question? 有人可以回答我的问题吗?

current_folder=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
echo $current_folder

enter image description here 在此处输入图片说明

I'm using Jenkins ver. 我正在使用Jenkins ver。 2.32.3 and a simple freestyle job, running on mac OS, using an execute shell build step of: 2.32.3和一个简单的自由式作业,该作业在mac OS上运行,使用以下执行外壳构建步骤:

current_folder=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
echo $current_folder

Gives output of: 提供以下内容的输出:

$ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/kh/4fl0eeldofefmmsfd/T/hudson89388543547899686.sh
++ date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S
+ current_folder=20180613-081712
+ echo 20180613-081712
Finished: SUCCESS

In a similar fashion, setting the shell: 以类似的方式,设置外壳:

current_folder=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
echo $current_folder

Gives: 给出:

$ /bin/bash /var/folders/kh/by0kd93dfew5fgjhy000h6/T/hudson62702345565786787.sh
Finished: SUCCESS

The same applies to a parameter that is defined as part of the Jenkins job, underneath the 这同样适用于在詹金斯(Jenkins)工作中定义的参数,位于
This project is parameterized checkbox once set. This project is parameterized复选框。 For example, if you have a string parameter called userName with a default value of User1 , then you can print it's value in an Execute Shell build step using: 例如,如果您有一个名为userName的字符串参数,其默认值为User1 ,则可以在Execute Shell构建步骤中使用以下命令打印其值:

echo $userName
echo ${userName}
echo "In a string ${userName}"

Giving: 给予:

In a string User1

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