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[英]how to calculate total hours in Javascript?

I need to calculate the total hours in a time span using JS, an example of the time span 我需要使用JS(一个时间跨度的示例)来计算一个时间跨度的总小时数

10:00 - 16:00

So the answer is: 6 hours, but how do I work that out in JS? 答案是:6小时,但是我如何在JS中解决呢?

 //Using MomentJs var a = moment([10,00] , "HH:mm"); var b = moment([16,00] , "HH:mm"); console.log(b.diff(a, 'hours')) 
 <script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.min.js"></script> 

Try following 尝试跟随

 let dif = new Date("01/01/2018 " + "16:00").getHours() - new Date("01/01/2018 " + "10:00").getHours(); console.log(dif); 

 //Using Js var a = new Date("12 May, 2018 10:00"); var b = new Date("12 May, 2018 16:00"); var hours = Math.abs(b - a) / 36e5; console.log(hours) 

//new Date("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ")

var date1 = new Date("2015-03-25T12:00:00Z");
var date2 = new Date("2015-03-24T19:00:00Z");
var hours = Math.abs(date1.getHours() - date2.getHours());
var start = new Date();
var finish = new Date();
start = start.setHours(10);
finish = finish.setHours(16);
var totalHours = finish - start;
totalHours = totalHours/3600000; // milleseconds in one hour

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