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C#Selenium Firefox-错误异常“浏览上下文已被丢弃”

[英]C# Selenium Firefox - Error Exception “Browsing context has been discarded”

I'm writing a program who help my customer to download invoice PDF from a website, everything works well the first time I use drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); 我正在编写一个程序,该程序可以帮助我的客户从网站上下载发票PDF,第一次使用drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL);时一切正常drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); . After that the program sleep for a certain amount of time and when awake starts to search through the e-mails of my customer (using S22 DLL) and if he found a certain e-mail, extracts the link from the e-mail and use (for the 2nd time) drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); 之后,程序会休眠一段时间,当清醒时开始搜索我的客户的电子邮件(使用S22 DLL),如果他找到了某个电子邮件,则从电子邮件中提取链接并使用(第二次) drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); . But this time I get an exception 但是这次我例外

Browsing context has been discarded 浏览上下文已被丢弃

I've tried everything possible, but the most "shock" thing is that I don't find anything on Google about this error, nor on Selenium documentation. 我已经尝试了所有可能的方法,但是最“令人震惊”的事情是我在Google上找不到关于此错误的任何信息,也没有在Selenium文档中找到任何信息。

And I don't understand what means 我不明白这是什么意思

I'm sure that the link works, because is the same link. 我确定该链接有效,因为是同一链接。

Below the code affected by this problem 下面的代码受此问题影响

PS: The first download is executed exactly as the 2nd download. PS:第一次下载与第二次下载完全相同

    public static int Go(string URL, ImapClient EmailClient, uint mUID, bool isFromOutlook) {
    // While the Firefox driver isn't initialized, wait for it
    while (isDrvInit != 1 && isDrvInit != 2)
        // If the Firefox driver was not able to initialize, we can't procede further
    if (isDrvInit == 2)
        return 0;

    try {
        drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); // Here the program throw the exception

        if (isLoginPage()) {
            if (!Login()) {
                if (Internet.IsAvailable()) {
                    Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_LOGIN, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT,
                              "Unable to log-in to the Mobilcom account... Are the e-mail/password in the config file correct?");
                    } else {
                        Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                                  "Can't connect to Mobilcom because Internet connection is missing...", drv.Url));

                     return 0;
            } else {
                Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_LOGIN, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.DEFAULT,
                           "Successfully logged to the Mobilcom account!");

                if (GetPdfInvoice() == true) {
                    if (isFromOutlook) {
                        MailMessage _m = EmailClient.GetMessage(mUID, true, Global.outlookSpecialFolder);

                        Error.Show(Error.Code._DEFAULT, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.OUTLOOK, String.Format(
                                  "PDF Invoice: Subject: [{0}] | Downloaded from the link '{1}' successfully saved! :)",
                                   _m.Subject, drv.Url));
                        } else {
                            MailMessage _m = EmailClient.GetMessage(mUID, true, Global.gmailSpecialFolder);

                            Error.Show(Error.Code._DEFAULT, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.GMAIL, String.Format(
                                       "PDF Invoice: Subject: [{0}] | Downloaded from the link '{1}' successfully saved! :)",
                                        _m.Subject, drv.Url));
                } else {
                    if (!Internet.IsAvailable()) {
                        Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_NO_INTERNET, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                                   "Can't download the PDF Invoice from '{0}' because Internet connection is missing!",
                        } else {
                            Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_CANT_D_PDF, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format (
                                      "Unknow Exception: Can't download the PDF Invoice from '{0}', retrying to download next time...",

        } else {
        // Still nothing

        return 1;
    } catch {
        if (!Internet.IsAvailable()) {
            Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                      "Unable to continue on Mobilcom because Internet connection is missing, retrying to download next time..."));
        } else {
            Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                      "Unknow Exception: Unable to reach the '{0}' URL", drv.Url));

        return 0;

[EDIT] [编辑]

The CloseUnnecessaryTabs() code closes every tab opened and leaves only one to avoid Firefox to be closed CloseUnnecessaryTabs()代码关闭每个打开的选项卡,仅保留一个选项卡以避免Firefox被关闭

private static void CloseUnnecessaryTabs() {
                if (drv.WindowHandles.Count > 1) {
                    for (int i = drv.WindowHandles.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {

I have found the bug in my code who caused this exception. 我已经在代码中找到导致此异常的错误。

I have forgot to switch back to the "main" tab after closing the unnecessary tabs, I have solved adding drv.SwitchTo().Window(drv.WindowHandles[0]); 关闭了不必要的选项卡后,我忘记了切换回“主”选项卡,我解决了添加drv.SwitchTo().Window(drv.WindowHandles[0]); to my CloseUnnecessaryTabs() code. 到我的CloseUnnecessaryTabs()代码。

private static void CloseUnnecessaryTabs() {
                if (drv.WindowHandles.Count > 1) {
                    for (int i = drv.WindowHandles.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {

                drv.SwitchTo().Window(drv.WindowHandles[0]); // <-- The solution

I have found a "hint" here 在这里找到了一个“提示”

Each browsing context has an associated list of known elements. 每个浏览上下文都有一个已知元素的关联列表。 When the browsing context is discarded, the list of known elements is discarded along with it. 当浏览上下文被丢弃时,已知元素的列表将与之一起被丢弃。

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