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[英]How to set specific starting date in Month Calendar C# manually

I am beginner in c# I want to create a month calendar from 1AD to 5000 or 9999AD. 我是C#的初学者,我想创建一个从1AD到5000或9999AD的月份日历。 But I have a question, how can I set starting date in calendar. 但是我有一个问题,如何设置日历的开始日期。 For example, I want to set my date 1 to Friday and other dates will follow it, how can I do the same. 例如,我想将日期1设置为星期五,其他日期将紧随其后,我该怎么做。 Please help me 请帮我

Please Go through the following links. 请通过以下链接。 You have to understand the calendar structure first 您必须先了解日历结构

http://www.kettic.com/winforms_ui/csharp_guide/calendar_structure.shtml http://www.kettic.com/winforms_ui/csharp_guide/calendar_structure.shtml

How to add selected and special days to the calendar at design time 如何在设计时将选定的特殊日子和特殊日子添加到日历中

http://www.kettic.com/winforms_ui/csharp_guide/calendar_get_started.shtml http://www.kettic.com/winforms_ui/csharp_guide/calendar_get_started.shtml

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