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[英]Inspect file in zip archive without extracting

I wrote a short code, which opens up a Zip File and searches for a file called "index.html". 我写了一个简短的代码,它打开一个Zip文件并搜索一个名为“ index.html”的文件。 Now I want to open the file and perform several actions. 现在,我想打开文件并执行几个操作。 - Search for links. -搜索链接。 - Search for clicktags. -搜索clicktag。

Please keep in mind, that this is done while the user is uploading his file. 请记住,这是在用户上传文件时完成的。 I dont want to extract is somewhere on the server. 我不想提取在服务器上的某个位置。

Is there a good method to achieve this? 有没有一个好的方法可以做到这一点? Regards 问候

    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $zip -> open($filepath);

    //Assign filescount to variable
    $this ->adFileCount = $zip -> numFiles;

    //Scan all files and find index.html
    if($zip ->getFromName("index.html") == true)
        //specific action done with index.html

Read the contents of the file and do whatever you need to with it. 读取文件的内容,然后对文件进行任何操作。

$zip -> open($filepath);

for($floop = 0; $floop < $zip->numFiles; $floop++ ) {

    $stat = $zip->statIndex($floop);

    if (stripos($stat['name'],'index.html') !== false) {

        $indexcontents = $zip->getFromIndex($floop);

        // do whatever you need to do with the array
        // named indexcontents that contains index.html


}  // end of for loop through the files in the zipped file uploaded


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