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TS2339:联合类型上不存在属性-属性字符串| 未定义

[英]TS2339: Property does not exist on union type - property string | undefined

I have problem with my union type, which looks like this: 我的联合体类型出现问题,如下所示:

type RepeatForm = {
        | {
              repeat: false;
        | {
              repeat: true;
              from: undefined;
        | {
              repeat: true;
              from: string;
              by?: string;

And I have following function where I want to get value of by if it's there: 我有如下的功能,我想获得的价值by ,如果它的存在:

export const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || form.step.from === undefined) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;

I get this error: Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; } | { repeat: true; from: string; by?: string | undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; }'. 我收到此错误: Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; } | { repeat: true; from: string; by?: string | undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; } | { repeat: true; from: string; by?: string | undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; }'.

Which is super confusing for me, because TypeScript know that form.step.from is different from undefined and he even interpolates type of variable x to string . 这让我感到非常困惑,因为TypeScript知道form.step.fromundefined不同,他甚至将变量x类型插值到string

What's the reason of this issue? 这个问题的原因是什么? How can I access by property then? 那我该如何by财产访问?

The original PR for discriminated unions is very specific about the fact that the discriminating field must be a string literal type (with the option to add support for boolean and number literal types which seems to have happened). 区分联合的原始PR非常明确地说明了区分字段必须是string文字类型的事实(可以选择添加对似乎已经发生的booleannumber文字类型的支持)。 So your use case where you are discriminating based on the type of the field ( string vs undefined ) does not appear to be supported. 因此,似乎不支持您根据字段类型( stringundefined )进行区分的用例。 This does not work for example: 例如,这不起作用:

let u!: { v: number, n: number } | { v: string, s: string}
if(typeof u.v === 'number') {
    u.n // not accesible, type not narrowed 

We could use conditional types and a custom type guard to make things work: 我们可以使用条件类型和自定义类型防护来使事情正常运行:

function isUndefined<T, K extends keyof T>(value : T, field: K) : value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : undefined }> {
    return !!value[field]

export const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || isUndefined(form.step, 'from')) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;

We can also create a general version of this function that allows narrowing by any type: 我们还可以创建此函数的常规版本,该版本允许按任何类型进行缩小:

type ExtractKeysOfType<T, TValue> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends TValue ? P : never}[keyof T]

function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, string>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'string'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : string }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, number>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'number'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : number }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, boolean>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'boolean'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : boolean }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, Function>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'function'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : Function }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, symbol>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'symbol'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : symbol }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, object>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'object'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : object }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, undefined>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'undefined'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : undefined }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends keyof T, TValue extends T[K]>(value : T, field: K, type: new (...args:any[])=> TValue): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : TValue }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends keyof T>(value : T, field: K, type: string| Function) :boolean {
    if(typeof type === 'string') {
        return typeof value[field] === type;
    } else {
        return value[field] instanceof type

const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || fieldOfType(form.step, 'from', 'undefined')) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;

let u: { v: number, n: number } | { v: string, s: string}={ v: 0, n : 10};
if(fieldOfType(u, 'v', 'number')) {

class A {private a: undefined;}
class B {private b: undefined;}
let uc: { v: A, n: number } | { v: B, s: string} = Math.random() > 0.5 ? { v: new B(), s: '10' } : { v: new A(), n: 10 };
if(fieldOfType(uc, 'v', A)) {

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