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[英]Why cin accepts string inputs after including String header

I am new to C++ programming. 我是C ++编程的新手。 I was trying to take user inputs and put them in a variable and i was using cin . 我试图接受用户输入并将其输入变量中,而我正在使用cin It was working for integer's and other's except strings . 它适用于integer和other的其他strings So, when I searched around I found that I have to include <string> header. 因此,当我四处搜索时,我发现必须包含<string>标头。 I just want to understand, what changes occurred by including string header? 我只想了解,包含字符串标题会发生什么变化? I thought that cin is overloaded by a function defined in the string header. 我以为cin被字符串标头中定义的函数重载了。 So, I started looking into string header and I could not find cin overloaded or any function defined there at all. 因此,我开始研究字符串标题,却找不到cin重载或在那里定义的任何函数。 Can any one tell me how cin started accepting string inputs after including <string> ? 谁能告诉我cin在包含<string>之后如何开始接受字符串输入?

<string> defines the functions <string>定义功能

template <class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator>
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& 
    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, 
               const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str);

template <class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator>
std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& 
    operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, 
               std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str);

These free, standard library functions, are what allows you to use a std::string with any stream that is or is derived from a basic_ostream or basic_istream . 这些免费的标准库函数使您可以将std::stringbasic_ostreambasic_istream basic_ostream任何流basic_istream

The <string> header mainly defines the standard library's std::string class. <string>标头主要定义标准库的std::string类。 Without it, you have no string class in C++: It's not integral to the language. 没有它,您在C ++中没有字符串类:它不是该语言不可或缺的。 Of course you could use char* -strings, C-style, but that's not how we typically do things in C++. 当然,您可以使用char* -strings,C风格,但这不是我们通常在C ++中执行的方式。

Along with std::string , that header also defines >> and << operators for std::string 's and streams, so that you can do things like std::cout << my_string and std::cin >> another_string . 除了std::string ,该标头还为std::string和流定义了>><<运算符,以便您可以执行std::cout << my_stringstd::cin >> another_string That syntax is equivalent to operator<<(std::cout, my_string) and operator>>(std::cin, another_string) . 该语法等效于operator<<(std::cout, my_string)operator>>(std::cin, another_string)

Important note: The C language's <string.h> header is completely different than C++'s <string> . 重要说明:C语言的<string.h>标头与C ++的<string>完全不同。 The C language header is usable just like it is in C, and defines certain functions working on char* (null-terminated) strings . C语言标头就像在C语言中一样是可用的,并且定义了某些对char* (以null终止)的字符串起作用的函数 Don't confuse the two headers, nor the two kinds of "strings". 不要混淆两个标题,也不要混淆两种“字符串”。

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