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[英]How to subtract number from the input box for Grand Total?

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

 function credit() { //storing value of grandTotal in txtGrandTotal. var txtGrandTotal = $("#txtGraTot").val(); //here resetting value of grandTotal to 0.00 var txtGraTotal = document.getElementById('txtGraTot').value = '0.00'; //entering deduction amount var txtCredit = document.getElementById('txtCreditAmt').value; //subtracting values var lclRes = (parseFloat(txtGrandTotal) - parseFloat(txtCredit)).toFixed(2); //again storing values to Textbox GrandTotal $("#txtGraTot").val(lclRes); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type="text" id="txtCreditAmt" oninput="credit();"> <input type="text" id="txtGraTot"> 

The result is not as I expected. 结果与我预期的不同。 If I enter 3 in txtCredit input box then value deducting from the Grand Total is 100 - 3 = 97 . 如果我在txtCredit输入框中输入3txtCredit总计中扣除的值是txtCredit 100 - 3 = 97 But if I enter the dot(.) again the result is 97 - . = 94 但是,如果我再次输入dot(。),则结果为97 - . = 94 97 - . = 94 . 97 - . = 94 Why it is happening? 为什么会这样呢?

I'm not sure if this is what you want, but that should make sense. 我不确定这是否是您想要的,但这应该是有道理的。

Edited 已编辑

Add the feature that after you press the enter button, calculate and reset txtCreditAmt. 添加功能后,按Enter键,即可计算并重置txtCreditAmt。

 function credit(){ //subtracting values var lclRes = (parseFloat($("#txtGraTot").val()) - parseFloat($("#txtCreditAmt").val())).toFixed(2); //again storing values to Textbox GrandTotal $("#txtGraTot").val(lclRes); } $('#txtCreditAmt').keypress(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) { credit(); $("#txtCreditAmt").val(''); return false; } }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type="text" id="txtCreditAmt" onblur="credit();"> <input type="text" id="txtGraTot" value="100"> 

The problem is that you are not storing the original value of grand total in a separate variable. 问题是您没有将总计的原始值存储在单独的变量中。 So, when the input event fires, it updates the grand total every time. 因此,当input事件触发时,它每次都会更新总计。 Here's what is going on: 这是怎么回事:

                  Grand total     Credit
Original state:        100          ___
Press 3       :         97           3      oninput invoked, grand total = (100 - 3)
Press .       :         94           3.     oninput invoked, grand total = (97 - 3.)

The quick and easy (but not the ideal) solution is to store the original value of grand total in a separate variable, and use that every time input event fires. 快速简便(但不理想)的解决方案是将总计的原始值存储在单独的变量中,并在每次input事件触发时使用该值。 My solution is to store that value in a data-total attribute ( $("#txtGraTot").data("total") ) but you can have something else there. 我的解决方案是将该值存储在data-total属性( $("#txtGraTot").data("total") )中,但是您可以在其中添加其他内容。 Just make sure that you are subtracting from original value, and not from the current value in the text box. 只要确保您是从原始值中减去,而不是从文本框中的当前值中减去。

// Save the original value of grand total in an attribute for future use.
if ($("#txtGraTot").data("total") === undefined) {
  $("#txtGraTot").data("total", txtGrandTotal);
} else {
  // else, get the original grand total value.
  txtGrandTotal = $("#txtGraTot").data("total");

 function credit(){ //storing value of grandTotal in txtGrandTotal. var txtGrandTotal = $("#txtGraTot").val(); // Save the original value of grand total in an attribute for future use. if ($("#txtGraTot").data("total") === undefined) { $("#txtGraTot").data("total", txtGrandTotal); } else { // else, get the original grand total value. txtGrandTotal = $("#txtGraTot").data("total"); } //here resetting value of grandTotal to 0.00 var txtGraTotal = document.getElementById('txtGraTot').value = '0.00'; //entering deduction amount var txtCredit = document.getElementById('txtCreditAmt').value; //subtracting values var lclRes = (parseFloat(txtGrandTotal) - parseFloat(txtCredit)).toFixed(2); //again storing values to Textbox GrandTotal $("#txtGraTot").val(lclRes); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type="text" id="txtCreditAmt" oninput="credit();"> <br> <input type="text" id="txtGraTot"> 

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