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Selenium Webdriver Zoom with Ruby for Chrome

[英]Selenium webdriver zoom with Ruby for Chrome

I am executing automated tests with cucumber and the selenium webdriver connected to Google Chrome and I need to change the zoom at the browser to avoid errors at some automated tests. 我正在使用Cucumber和连接到Google Chrome的Selenium Webdriver执行自动化测试,并且需要更改浏览器的缩放比例,以避免某些自动化测试出错。

The zoom can be changed by pressing the keys Control + '-' or Control + '-' . 可以通过按Control +'-'Control +'-'键来更改缩放比例。

In order to simulate the pressing of theese keys I have added a Hook with this code: 为了模拟按下这些按键,我添加了一个带有以下代码的挂钩:

Before ('@ChangeBrowserZoom') do
      page = Capybara::page
      page.find("html").send_keys(:control , '+')
      page.find("body").native.send_keys(:control , '+')

The hook is been called but it is not working. 该挂钩已被调用,但无法正常工作。

Selenium send_keys method call args one by one in your code. Selenium send_keys方法在您的代码中一一调用args。 For calling it together use square brackets: 要一起调用,请使用方括号:

Before ('@ChangeBrowserZoom') do
  page = Capybara::page
  page.find("html").send_keys([:control , :add])

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