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[英]Why does npm install two different version of the same dependency when installed separately

Scenario 1 场景1

Terminal : Windows cmd 终端 :Windows cmd

node version : v8.0.0 节点版本v8.0.0

npm version : v5.5.1 npm版本v5.5.1

I have a package.json where I specifically mention 我有一个package.json ,我特别提到

"@swimlane/ngx-charts": "^7.3.0",
"@swimlane/ngx-graph": "^4.3.0",

These have a subdependency on d3-scale . 这些对d3-scale有从属关系。

In this scenario the npm install command installs d3-scale: v2.0.0 which has dist/ folder in it. 在这种情况下, npm install命令将安装d3-scale: v2.0.0 ,其中包含dist/文件夹。 (Note: I use d3-scale/dist in a systemjs.config.js file for an Angular App) (注意:我在Angular App的systemjs.config.js文件中使用d3-scale/dist

Scenario 2 方案2

Terminal : Windows Subsystem For Linux ( bash for ubuntu for windows ) 终端 :Windows子系统(对于Linux)( bash for ubuntu for windows Windows bash for ubuntu for windows

node version : v8.11.1 节点版本v8.11.1

npm version : v5.6.0 npm版本v5.6.0

I perform npm install with the same package.json and this time it provides me with d3-scale: v1.0.7 which has build/ folder instead of dist/ quick comparison on d3-scale . 我使用相同的package.json执行npm install ,这一次它为我提供了d3-scale: v1.0.7 ,它具有build/文件夹,而不是d / scale上dist/ 快速比较

Now because of this discrepancy I had to change my systemjs.config.js to point to build for a local machine. 现在,由于这种差异,我不得不更改systemjs.config.js使其指向为本地计算机build的代码。

If the app gets deployed on the server or a cloud I am not sure which d3-scale it might download in the node_modules and I might have to commit a hotfix for it. 如果该应用程序已部署在服务器或云上,我不确定它可能会在node_modules下载哪个d3-scale ,并且我可能必须为此提交一个修补程序。


Why is there a discrepancy in the first place? 为什么首先存在差异? What is causing this? 是什么原因造成的?

It seems that the NPM team resolved an issue in v5.6.0. NPM团队似乎解决了v5.6.0中的一个问题。

Fully cross-platform package-lock.json. 完全跨平台的package-lock.json。 Installing a failing optional dependency on one platform no longer removes it from the dependency tree, meaning that package-lock.json should now be generated consistently across platforms! 在一个平台上安装失败的可选依赖项不再将其从依赖项树中删除,这意味着package-lock.json现在应该在所有平台上一致地生成!

Source 资源

So try to upgrade your windows NPM to v5.6.0. 因此,请尝试将Windows NPM升级到v5.6.0。 It should work now. 现在应该可以工作了。


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