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[英]Excel Userform next button go to next row cell

I have a set of data in 3x columns: Name, Age, Job. 我在3列中有一组数据:姓名,年龄,工作。

I have put together a userform where a user can use to find Names, Ages and Jobs, in 3x separate textboxes (TextBox1, TextBox2 and TextBox3). 我整理了一个用户窗体,用户可以使用它在3个单独的文本框(TextBox1,TextBox2和TextBox3)中查找姓名,年龄和工作。 It starts right at the top, which is done by design, which works fine. 它从顶部开始,这是通过设计完成的,效果很好。 I also have a 'next' button, where when a user would click next and it will go to the next item in the list. 我还有一个“下一步”按钮,当用户单击“下一步”时,它将转到列表中的下一项。

So when the user clicks next, it should ideally go to row 3 data (row 1 = headers). 因此,当用户单击下一步时,理想情况下应转到第3行数据(第1行=标题)。

Code: 码:

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim AANo As String
    Dim AANa As String
    Dim AAEm As String
    Dim NextLR As Long

    NextLR = Sheets("AASD").Cells(Rows.count, "QH").End(xlUp).row

    For i = 2 To NextLR
        With Worksheets("AASD")
            Name = .Range(i, 8).Value
            Age = .Range(i, 9).Value
            Job = .Range(i, 10).Value
        End With

        TextBox1.Value = Name
        TextBox2.Value = Age
        TextBox3.Value = Job
    Next i

End Sub

This in theory should work, but it doesn't. 从理论上讲这应该起作用,但事实并非如此。 I am not sure where I went wrong. 我不确定哪里出了问题。 Any advise where I went wrong? 有什么建议我做错了吗?

Thanks 谢谢

Modified code: 修改后的代码:

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim AANo As String
    Dim AANa As String
    Dim AAEm As String
    Dim NextLR As Long
    Dim count As Long
    NextLR = Sheets("AASD").Cells(Rows.count, "QH").End(xlUp).row
    count = 2
    For i = count To NextLR
        With Worksheets("AASD")
            AANo = .Range(i, 8).Value
            AAName = .Range(i, 9).Value
            AAEm = .Range(i, 10).Value
        End With

        TextBox1.Value = AANo
        TextBox2.Value = AANa
        TextBox3.Value = AAEm
        count = count + 1
        Exit For

    Next i

End Sub

Elaborate on my comment, somethign like: 详细说明我的评论,例如:

Public k as Long

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim lr as Long
    with sheets("AASD")
        lr = .cells(.rows.count,8).end(xlup).row
        If k > lr OR k <3 then k = 3
        TextBox1.Value = .Cells(k, 8).Value
        TextBox2.Value = .Cells(k, 9).Value
        TextBox3.Value = .Cells(k, 10).Value
    end with
    k = k + 1
End Sub

If you go the route of a combobox for the values, you can set the combobox array during userform_initialize() using: 如果沿组合框的路径查找值,则可以在userform_initialize()期间使用以下方法设置组合框数组:

dim arr() as variant, lr as long
with sheets("AASD")
    lr = .cells(.rows.count,8).end(xlup).row
    arr = .range(.cells(3,8),.cells(lr,8)).Value
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.List = arr
end with

Add another text box and keep it invisible and use it to count the number of times next is clicked. 添加另一个文本框并使它不可见,并使用它来计算下一次单击的次数。

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

    Dim AANo As String
    Dim AANa As String
    Dim AAEm As String
    Dim NextLR As Long
    Dim counter As Long

    NextLR = Sheets("AASD").Cells(Rows.count, "QH").End(xlUp).row

    counter = me.counterBox + 1 'because on first time it will be empty

    With Worksheets("AASD")
        AANo = .Range(counter, 8).Value
        AAName = .Range(counter, 9).Value
        AAEm = .Range(counter, 10).Value
    End With

    TextBox1.Value = AANo
    TextBox2.Value = AANa
    TextBox3.Value = AAEm

    Me.counterBox = Iif(counter = NextLR, 0, counter)

End Sub

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