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FastMember:指定的参数超出有效值范围。 参数名称:名称

[英]FastMember: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: name

I am attempting to use CsvHelper to import a CSV file and write it to my SQL database. 我正在尝试使用CsvHelper导入CSV文件并将其写入我的SQL数据库。 The data imported does not belong to any predefined class and has to be determined at run time. 导入的数据不属于任何预定义的类,必须在运行时确定。 A lot of forums pointed to using FastMember to doing this but I have been unable to make it work. 许多论坛都指向使用FastMember来执行此操作,但是我一直无法使其工作。

As I do not have a predefined class, I am reading the CSV with the following code: 由于我没有预定义的类,因此我正在使用以下代码读取CSV:

var records = csv.GetRecords<dynamic>().ToList();

I then use fastmember's ObjectReader to structure the data 然后,我使用fastmember的ObjectReader构造数据

using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(data, copyParameters))
     await sbc.WriteToServerAsync(reader);

At this stage, I get the error "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: name" 在此阶段,出现错误“指定的参数超出有效值范围。参数名称:名称”

I'll include the entire code snippet below, but the copyParameters is a string array containing all of the columns exactly as they appear in the CSV. 我将在下面包括整个代码段,但是copyParameters是一个字符串数组,其中包含与CSV中显示的所有列完全相同的所有列。

Small sample CSV used for testing: 用于测试的小样本CSV:

DateTime,Column1,Column2,Column3,Column4 1/8/2014 18:20,1,0,0.3,0 1/8/2014 18:21,1,0,0.3,0 1/8/2014 18:22,1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:23,1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:24,1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:25,1,0,0.2,0 DateTime,Column1,Column2,Column3,Column4 1/8/2014 18:20,1,0,0.3,0 1/8/2014 18:21,1,0,0.3,0 1/8/2014 18:22, 1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:23,1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:24,1,0,0.2,0 1/8/2014 18:25,1, 0,0.2,0


Here is the complete code: 这是完整的代码:

public async Task InsertTimeDataFromImport(IFormFile file, List<ImportCurveGridViewModel> curves, string tableName)
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream()))
                var csv = new CsvReader(reader);
                csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;

                var records = csv.GetRecords<dynamic>().ToList();

                var copyParameters = curves
                    .Where(c => c.Import)
                    .Select(c => c.CurveName)

                var batchSize = records.Count();

                await _repository.InsertData(tableName, batchSize, records, copyParameters);
        catch (Exception e)


public async Task InsertData(string tableName, int batchSize, IEnumerable<dynamic> data, string[] copyParameters)
        using (SqlBulkCopy sbc = new SqlBulkCopy(_context.Database.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString, SqlBulkCopyOptions.KeepIdentity))
            sbc.DestinationTableName = "[" + tableName + "]";

            sbc.BatchSize = 5000;

            foreach (var param in copyParameters)
                sbc.ColumnMappings.Add(param, param);

            using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(data, copyParameters))
                await sbc.WriteToServerAsync(reader);

After no progress on this, I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to .net core 2.1. 在这方面没有任何进展之后,我决定硬着头皮升级到.net core 2.1。 Once I had access to DataTable again, I was able to circumvent this problem quickly. 一旦我再次访问DataTable,便能够快速规避此问题。


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