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[英]how to get ISO8601 format in swift 4?

I am using amazon web service for items search. 我正在使用亚马逊网络服务进行商品搜索。 i can able get time stamp value and i converted into iso format. 我可以获取时间戳记值并将其转换为ISO格式。 but in console output it shows Timestamp is invalid. 但在控制台输出中,它显示时间戳无效。 Reason: Must be in ISO8601 format 原因:必须为ISO8601格式

Here is my full console output value : status code is: Optional(400) XML: . 这是我完整的控制台输出值: 状态代码是:Optional(400)XML:。 InvalidParameterValue Value 2018-06-15T18%3A43%3A52Z for parameter Timestamp is invalid. 参数Timestamp的InvalidParameterValue值2018-06-15T18%3A43%3A52Z无效。 Reason: Must be in ISO8601 format.66a698a6-a967-4b34-b15a-94780f9287ce 原因:必须为ISO8601格式。66a698a6-a967-4b34-b15a-94780f9287ce

here is the coed i tried for : 这是我尝试过的男女同校:

    public func getSearchItem(searchKeyword: String) -> [String:AnyObject]{
      let timeStamp = getTimestamp()

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "IST")
    let tempLocale = dateFormatter.locale // save locale temporarily
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") // set locale to reliable US_POSIX
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
    let date = dateFormatter.date(from: timeStamp.string(from: Date()))!
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
    dateFormatter.locale = tempLocale // reset the locale
    let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
    print("EXACT_DATE : \(dateString)")

    let url = "http://webservices.amazon.in/onca/xml"
    let parameters: Parameters = ["Service": "AWSECommerceService",
                                  "Operation": "ItemSearch",
                                  "ResponseGroup": "Images,ItemAttributes",
                                  "Keywords": searchKeyword,
                                  "Timestamp": urlEncode(timeStamp.string(from: date)),
                                  "AWSAccessKeyId": urlEncode(ViewController.kAmazonAccessID),
                                  "AssociateTag": urlEncode(ViewController.kAmazonAssociateTag)

    let signedParams = signedParametersForParameters(parameters: parameters as! [String : String])

    Alamofire.request(url, method: .get, parameters: signedParams, encoding: URLEncoding.default)
        .responseString { response in
            print(" - API url: \(String(describing: response.request!))")   // original url request
            var statusCode = response.response?.statusCode

            switch response.result {
            case .success:
                print("status code is: \(String(describing: statusCode))")
                if let string = response.result.value {
                    print("XML: \(string)")
            case .failure(let error):
                statusCode = error._code // statusCode private
                print("status code is: \(String(describing: statusCode))")

    return parameters as [String : AnyObject]

func getTimestamp() -> DateFormatter{
    var timestampFormatter = DateFormatter()
    timestampFormatter = DateFormatter()
    timestampFormatter.dateFormat = AWSDateISO8601DateFormat1
    timestampFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "IST")
    timestampFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
    return timestampFormatter

} }

The error being: 错误是:

Optional(400) XML: . InvalidParameterValue Value 2018-06-15T18%3A43%3A52Z for parameter Timestamp is invalid. Reason: Must be in ISO8601 format.

The issue is about the : percent escaped (transformed into %3A ), because 2018-06-15T18:43:52Z seems valid in ISO8601 format while 2018-06-15T18%3A43%3A52Z doesn't. 问题是关于:逸出百分比(已转换为%3A ),因为2018-06-15T18:43:52Z在ISO8601格式中似乎有效,而2018-06-15T18%3A43%3A52Z无效。

You are adding yourself the percent escape in parameters : 您正在为自己添加parameters逸出百分比:

So: 所以:

"Timestamp": urlEncode(timeStamp.string(from: date))

=> =>

"Timestamp": timeStamp.string(from: date)

Also, note that in iOS there is a ISO8601DateFormatter available from iOS10+ that could avoid you writing the format yourself. 另外,请注意,在iOS ISO8601DateFormatter ,iOS10 +提供了ISO8601DateFormatter,可以避免您自己编写格式。

Try 尝试

func convertDateToDateString(date: Date, format: String) -> String {
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_EN")
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
    dateFormatter.calendar = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601)

    let resultDate = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
    return resultDate

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