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在Akka HTTP中保持WebSocket连接存活的最佳方法?

[英]Best way to keep WebSocket connection alive in Akka HTTP?

If there is no message sent or received, the connection is closed after one minute. 如果没有发送或接收任何消息,则一分钟后关闭连接。

I don't want to continuously send a text message to keep the connection open like this: 我不想连续发送短信以保持连接打开,如下所示:

keepAlive(maxIdle = 10.seconds, () => TextMessage.Strict("Keep-alive message")

Is there anything in Akka HTTP that provides the natural sending of ping/pong messages? Akka HTTP中是否有任何东西可以自然发送ping / pong消息? What do I need to do? 我需要做什么?

If you don't want to manually use the keepAlive combinator, then you can use Akka HTTP's automatic keep-alive ping support, which is enabled via settings in your application.conf . 如果您不想手动使用keepAlive组合器,则可以使用Akka HTTP的自动keep-aling ping支持,该支持通过application.conf设置启用。

For the client side : 对于客户端

akka.http.client.websocket.periodic-keep-alive-max-idle = 10 seconds

For the server side : 对于服务器端

akka.http.server.websocket.periodic-keep-alive-max-idle = 10 seconds

More information is in the linked documentation. 更多信息在链接的文档中。

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