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具有许多参数的ASP.Net Core Web API Controller操作

[英]ASP.Net Core Web API Controller action with many parameters

I have ASP.Net Core Web API Controller's method that returns List<Car> based on query parameters. 我有ASP.Net Core Web API Controller的方法,该方法基于查询参数返回List<Car>

public async Task<List<Car>> GetCars([FromBody] CarParams par)

Parameters are grouped in record type CarParams . 参数按记录类型CarParams分组。 There are about 20 parameters: 大约有20个参数:

public class CarParams
    public string EngineType { get; set; }
    public int WheelsCount { get; set; }
    /// ... 20 params
    public bool IsTruck { get; set; }

I need to change this method from POST to GET, because I want to use a server-side caching for such requests. 我需要将此方法从POST更改为GET,因为我想对此类请求使用服务器端缓存。

Should I create a controller's method with 20 params? 是否应该使用20个参数创建控制器的方法?

public async Task<List<Car>> GetCars(string engineType, 
                                      int wheelsCount, 
                                  /*...20 params?...*/
                                         bool isTruck)

If this is the case: Is there a way to automatically generate such a complex URL for a client-side app? 如果是这样的话:有没有一种方法可以自动为客户端应用生成如此复杂的URL?

You can keep the model. 您可以保留模型。 Update the action's model binder so that it knows where to look for the model data. 更新操作的模型绑定程序,以便它知道在哪里查找模型数据。

Use [FromQuery] to specify the exact binding source you want to apply. 使用[FromQuery]指定要应用的确切绑定源。

public async Task<IActionResult> GetCars([FromQuery] CarParams parameters) {


    return Ok(data);

Reference Model Binding in ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core中的参考模型绑定


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