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[英]Illegal polymorphic or qualified type in Haskell


f :: (a,s) -> (forall r.(r -> (a,r)),s)

Haskell does not support impredicative types, and in particular does not allow forall to appear under any type constructor (except -> ). Haskell不支持impredicative类型,特别是不允许forall出现在任何类型的构造函数下(除了-> )。

For example, Maybe (forall a. a), [forall a. a->a], ((forall a. a), Bool) 例如, Maybe (forall a. a), [forall a. a->a], ((forall a. a), Bool) Maybe (forall a. a), [forall a. a->a], ((forall a. a), Bool) are forbidden. Maybe (forall a. a), [forall a. a->a], ((forall a. a), Bool)是被禁止的。

Use a newtype wrapper if that's what you want. 如果这是您想要的,请使用newtype包装器。

newtype T = T (forall a. a->a)
foo :: [T] -- OK
foo = [T id]

Out of curiosity, what are you trying to use this type for? 出于好奇,你想用这种类型做什么? It looks like the type of a concatenative combinator like quote such that [X] quote == [[X]] (sometimes called unit ). 它看起来像quote的连接组合类型,如[X] quote == [[X]] (有时称为unit )。 In other words, it takes a value atop the stack and wraps it in a function which, when applied, pushes that value to the stack. 换句话说,它在堆栈顶部取一个值并将其包装在一个函数中,该函数在应用时将该值推送到堆栈。

Here's one representation I've used in the past for such functions. 这是我过去用于此类功能的一种表示。 The Tupled type family converts a list of types into a nested tuple to represent a stack. Tupled类型系列将类型列表转换为嵌套元组以表示堆栈。

-- Tupled '[t1, t2, ..., tn] s == (t1, (t2, (... (tn, s))))
type family Tupled ts t where
  Tupled '[] t' = t'
  Tupled (t ': ts) t' = (t, Tupled ts t')

Using a newtype wrapper we can make a function (of a certain input & output arity) that's polymorphic in the “rest” of the stack. 使用newtype包装器,我们可以创建一个函数(某个输入和输出arity),它在栈的“rest”中是多态的。

newtype as :-> bs = Fun (forall s. Tupled as s -> Tupled bs s)

This is the standard way of hiding impredicative polymorphism , that is, using forall -quantified types under a type constructor other than a function arrow (->) , as you did when you tried to write (forall r. (r -> (a, r)), s) . 这是隐藏impredicative多态的标准方法,即在函数箭头(->)之外的类型构造函数下使用forall -quantified类型,就像你在尝试编写时所做的那样(forall r. (r -> (a, r)), s) Haskell doesn't support this directly, but if you use a newtype wrapper then the compiler knows exactly when to introduce and eliminate the forall . Haskell不直接支持这个,但是如果你使用newtype包装器,那么编译器就知道何时引入并消除forall

By unwrapping this newtype and applying it to the stack type, we can apply a wrapped function to a stack. 通过展开这个newtype并将其应用于堆栈类型,我们可以将一个包装函数应用于堆栈。

apply :: forall z as bs. (as :-> bs) -> Tupled as z -> Tupled bs z
apply (Fun f) as = f @z as

The quote combinator wraps the top element of the stack in a function: quote组合器在函数中包装堆栈的顶部元素:

quote :: forall a s. (a, s) -> ([] :-> '[a], s)
quote (a, s) = (Fun $ \s' -> (a, s'), s)

unquote applies a function on the stack to the rest of the stack. unquote将堆栈上的函数应用于堆栈的其余部分。

  :: forall z as bs s
  .  (Tupled as z ~ s)
  => (as :-> bs, s)
  -> Tupled bs z
unquote (f, s) = apply @z f s

(Note the equality constraint Tupled as z ~ s , which means “The input stack type s must begin with the series of types as , and whatever remains is called z ”.) (注意等式约束Tupled as z ~ s ,它的意思是“输入堆栈型s必须与一系列类型开始as ,以及任何残留被称为z ”)。

add is the addition operator (+) lifted to stacks; add是加法运算符(+)提升到堆栈; it just adds the top two elements of the stack. 它只是添加了堆栈的前两个元素。

add :: forall a. (Num a) => '[a, a] :-> '[a]
add = Fun $ \ (x, (y, s)) -> (x + y, s)

Now, quoting and unquoting an element leaves it unchanged: 现在,引用和取消引用元素会使其保持不变:

unquote (quote ("hello", ()) == ("hello", ())

The addition function can be applied directly… 添加功能可以直接应用......

apply add (1, (2, ())) == (3, ())

…Or placed on the stack and then applied. ...或者放在堆叠上然后应用。

unquote (add, (1, (2, ()))) == (3, ())

This requires the following extensions: 这需要以下扩展:

  • DataKinds to allow type-level lists of types DataKinds允许类型级别的类型列表

  • RankNTypes and ScopedTypeVariables to allow explicit forall s and bring type variables into scope so we can refer to them with TypeApplications , because we need AllowAmbiguousTypes to defer specifying the “stack” type until a call site, as in apply @zf as RankNTypesScopedTypeVariables允许明确forall S和带类型变量进入活动范围,所以我们可以参考他们TypeApplications ,因为我们需要AllowAmbiguousTypes推迟指定“栈”类型,直到调用点,如apply @zf as

  • TypeFamilies to enable the Tupled type family TypeFamilies以启用Tupled类型系列

  • TypeOperators to give the nice symbolic name :-> to wrapped function types TypeOperators给出了很好的符号名称:->到包装函数类型

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