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[英]Login password for ubuntu, RHEL, any cloud image

OpenStack cloud Images : OpenStack云映像

There are multiple cloud images which are available at https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/obtain-images.html . https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/obtain-images.html上有多个云映像。 In order to login to the VMs once those are deployed is either by using ssh key pair or password . 为了在VM部署后登录到VM,可以使用ssh key pairpassword But there are images where the sshkeypairlogin is disabled and there is no in-built password by default, then how to login to these VMs where the user have only information on the user-name 但是有些映像禁用了sshkeypairlogin ,默认情况下没有内置密码,然后如何登录到这些VM,其中用户仅拥有有关user-name

There are options to generate the password for the in-built users using cloud-init : 有一些选项可以使用cloud-init为内置用户生成密码:

Option-1 : Using OpenStack horizon 选项1使用OpenStack Horizo​​n

If the user is using horizon to launch the instance then for the post-configuration by providing the config as: 如果用户使用Horizo​​n启动实例,则通过提供以下配置来进行post-configuration

      list: |
      expire: False

Here the passwords are generated for cloud-user and root users of RHEL image. 在此,将为RHEL映像的cloud-userroot用户生成密码。 The same is used for any user of any image simply by replacing the user. 只需替换用户即可对任何图像的任何用户使用相同的功能。

Option-2 : Using OpenStack heat template 选项2使用OpenStack热模板

Using the openstack heat template by providing the user-data as below: 通过提供以下user-data来使用Openstack Heat模板:

heat_template_version: 2015-04-30

description: Launch the RHEL VM with a new password for cloud-user and root user

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      name: 'demo_instance'
      image: '15548f32-fe27-449b-9c7d-9a113ad33778'
      flavor: 'm1.medium'
      availability_zone: zone1
      key_name: 'key1'
      - network: '731ba722-68ba-4423-9e5a-a7677d5bdd2d'
      user_data_format: RAW
      user_data: |
          list: |
          expire: False

Here the passwords are generated for cloud-user and root users of RHEL image. 在此,将为RHEL映像的cloud-userroot用户生成密码。 The same is used for any user of any image. 相同的用于任何图像的任何用户。

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