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[英]use sortable script when items printed with ajax

I'm using jquery sortable for my drag&drop section. 我正在为我的drag&drop部分使用可排序的jQuery。

I have button that print results with items on the screen. 我有一个按钮,可以在屏幕上显示带有项目的结果。 Those items can be drag&drop into many sections. 这些项目可以drag&drop到许多部分中。

If i write the sortable script in my main index.php file than the script doesn't works. 如果我在主index.php文件中编写了可排序脚本,则该脚本不起作用。 In order it to work I need to write the script in in my ajax file. 为了使其正常工作,我需要在ajax文件中编写脚本。 But than, every time i print more results (items) i also print the script again and again. 但是比起每次我打印更多结果(项目)时,我也会一次又一次地打印脚本。

How can i fix it? 我该如何解决?

Jquery - drag & drop jQuery-拖放

        // sortable SCRIPT

        $(document).ready(function() {  
            $( ".dropZone" ).sortable({
                revert: true,
                update: function(event, ui) {

                    var secID = event.target.id;
                    var attacID = ui.item.data('id');
                    var data = $(this).sortable('serialize', {
                      attribute: "data-id"
                    data = data + '&secID=' + secID;

            $( ".attrac" ).draggable({
                connectToSortable: ".dropZone",
                helper: "clone",
                revert: "invalid"

        } );



<div id="moreRes-box" class="text-center col-md-12 mt20">
    <button type="submit" class="moreRes-btn" data-startRow="0" data-style="panel">SUBMIT</button>

<div id="search-res-box">


AJAX - print items AJAX-打印项目

$(document).on("click", ".moreRes-btn", function(e){    

    $.ajax ({

      type: 'POST',
      url: 'ajax/attractions-control.php',
      data: formData,
      async: false,
      success: function (data) 


Make a funcion called for example updateDrag and call it both on document ready, both after the ajax call. 创建一个名为updateDrag并在ajax调用之后都在文档就绪时调用它们。 For example, like the code below: 例如,如下代码:

function updateDrag(){

        $( ".attrac" ).draggable({
            connectToSortable: ".dropZone",
            helper: "clone",
            revert: "invalid"


 $(document).ready(function() {  
        $( ".dropZone" ).sortable({
            revert: true,
            update: function(event, ui) {

                var secID = event.target.id;
                var attacID = ui.item.data('id');
                var data = $(this).sortable('serialize', {
                  attribute: "data-id"
                data = data + '&secID=' + secID;

    } );

 $(document).on("click", ".moreRes-btn", function(e){    

$.ajax ({

  type: 'POST',
  url: 'ajax/attractions-control.php',
  data: formData,
  async: false,
  success: function (data) 


The important part of the code is the call of updateDrag() on success : 该代码的重要部分是成功调用updateDrag()

    $.ajax ({

  type: 'POST',
  url: 'ajax/attractions-control.php',
  data: formData,
  async: false,
  success: function (data)  {


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