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删除独立实体spring jpa Repository接口

[英]Delete detached entity spring jpa Repository interface

I was reading that deleting detached entity will cause IllegalArgumentExcetpion, the entity should be managed to be removed. 我在读,删除分离的实体将导致IllegalArgumentExcetpion,应管理该实体的删除。 However , I'm using spring JPA repository interface and the delete is working on a detached entity , I have created new entity with the ID I want to delete and I got no exception. 但是,我使用的是Spring JPA存储库接口,删除操作正在一个分离的实体上,我已经创建了一个具有要删除ID的新实体,我也没有例外。 is there any document says we can delete detached entity in spring jpa ? 是否有任何文件说我们可以在spring jpa中删除分离的实体? I couldn't find official document. 我找不到正式文件。


Every entity has id and you can delete deatached entity by id like 每个实体都有ID,您可以按ID删除已拆离的实体,例如

 @Modifying @Query("delete from OwnEntity e where e.id = :id")
 Long deleteById(@Param("id") Long id);

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