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CKEditor5 - 接收“model-nodelist-offset-out-of-bounds”。 出现此错误的可能原因是什么?

[英]CKEditor5 - Receiving “model-nodelist-offset-out-of-bounds”. What are possible reasons this error would arise?

I am receiving the following error ("model-nodelist-offset-out-of-bounds") after my attempt to create a custom plugin in CKEditor5.在尝试在 CKEditor5 中创建自定义插件后,我收到以下错误(“model-nodelist-offset-out-of-bounds”)。 The plugin takes three user input values and creates a series of nested elements with three text nodes.该插件采用三个用户输入值并创建一系列具有三个文本节点的嵌套元素。 My custom downcast function contains...我的自定义向下转换函数包含...

    const testimonial = data.item;

    // Retrieves attributes from custom 'testimonial' element
    let body = testimonial.getAttribute( 'testimonialBody' );
    let author = testimonial.getAttribute( 'testimonialAuthor' );
    let about = testimonial.getAttribute( 'testimonialAbout' );

    // Element creation
    const testWrapperElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'div', { class: 'callout__interbodyquote' } );
    const testBodyElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'p', { class: 'body_testimonial' } );
    const testSubBodyElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'div' );
    const testIconElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'image', { class: 'icon__testimonial', src: testimonialIcon } );
    const testFooterWrapperElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'div' );
    const testAuthorElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'p', { class: 'author_testimonial' } );
    const testAboutElement = conversionApi.writer.createContainerElement( 'p', { class: 'about_testimonial' } );

    // Text element creation
    const bodyText = conversionApi.writer.createText( body );
    const authorText = conversionApi.writer.createText( author );
    const aboutText = conversionApi.writer.createText( about );   

    // Combining/nesting elements
    let insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testWrapperElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testBodyElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testWrapperElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testSubBodyElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testBodyElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, bodyText );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testSubBodyElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testFooterWrapperElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testSubBodyElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testIconElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testFooterWrapperElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testAuthorElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testFooterWrapperElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, testAboutElement );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testAboutElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, aboutText );
    insertPosition = ViewPosition.createAt( testAuthorElement, 'end' );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( insertPosition, authorText );

    const viewPosition = conversionApi.mapper.toViewPosition( data.range.start );
    conversionApi.mapper.bindElements( testimonial, testWrapperElement );
    conversionApi.writer.insert( viewPosition, testWrapperElement );

My command is as follows...我的命令如下...

    export default class TestimonialCommand extends Command {
        refresh() {
            const model = this.editor.model;
            const selection = model.document.selection;
            const schema = model.schema;

            const validParent = getInsertTestimonialParent( selection.getFirstPosition() );

            // Check if custom testimonial element is allowed within the current parent (based on cursor location)
            this.isEnabled = schema.checkChild( validParent, 'testimonial' );

        execute(body, author, about) {
            const model = this.editor.model;
            const selection = model.document.selection;

            model.change(writer => {
                const firstPosition = selection.getFirstPosition();
                const isRoot = firstPosition.parent === firstPosition.root;
                const insertPosition = isRoot ? Position.createAt( firstPosition ) : Position.createAfter( firstPosition.parent );

                // Creates custom testimonial element with user input as custom attributes.
                // These attributes will be pulled off the element during the downcasting and converted into 
                // text within a testimonial block of HTML. 
                const testimonial = writer.createElement( 'testimonial', { 'testimonialBody': body, 'testimonialAuthor': author, 'testimonialAbout': about } );

                writer.insert( testimonial, insertPosition );

    // Retrieves parent element 
    function getInsertTestimonialParent( position ) {
        const parent = position.parent;

        return parent === parent.root ? parent : parent.parent;

The error that I'm receiving in full reads...我收到的错误全文阅读...

Uncaught CKEditorError: model-nodelist-offset-out-of-bounds: Given offset cannot be found in the node list.

What are possible causes of an error such as this?出现此类错误的可能原因是什么?

Thank you in advance for your help!预先感谢您的帮助!

I got the same error while developed own widget, and solved that with viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement utility.我在开发自己的小部件时遇到了同样的错误,并使用viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement实用程序解决了这个问题。

This error is thrown because there is a difference in text node mapping between the model and the view due to the different structures抛出此错误是因为模型和视图之间的文本节点映射由于结构不同而存在差异

You can read about it in CKEditor documentation right here: Fixing position mapping您可以在此处的 CKEditor 文档中阅读有关它的信息: Fixing position mapping

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