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[英]Gulp - BrowserSync doesn't reload page

I'm following a basic tutorial for Gulp from here and I got stuck on the browser-sync implementation. 我从这里开始学习Gulp的基本教程,并且陷入了浏览器同步的实现中。 I have copied the code exactly as it is in the example, however when I run the watch task, even though sass task executes no problem (new version of the css file is created), the browser doesn't want to refresh! 我已经完全复制了示例中的代码,但是,当我运行watch任务时,即使sas​​s任务没有执行任何问题(创建了新版本的css文件),浏览器也不想刷新! Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();

gulp.task('sass', function() {
    return gulp.src('app/scss/**/*.scss') // Gets all files ending with .scss in app/scss
      .pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true}));

gulp.task('browserSync', ['sass'], function() {
        server: {
            baseDir: 'app'

gulp.task('watch', ['browserSync'], function() {
    gulp.watch('app/scss/**/*.scss', ['sass']); 
    // Other watchers

And here is my index.html 这是我的index.html

<!doctype html>
        <link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

My styles.scss files has only one style: 我的styles.scss文件只有一种样式:

body {
    background: blue;

And here is the output from the console window when I update the styles.scss 这是我更新styles.scss时控制台窗口的输出


So I can see that the browser-sync is aware of the change being made, but it doesn't reload the page in the browser. 因此,我可以看到browser-sync知道所做的更改,但是它不会在浏览器中重新加载页面。 Why is that? 这是为什么? I have looked through the comments under the tutorial and no one seemed to face similar issue. 我已经仔细阅读了教程中的评论,似乎没有人遇到类似的问题。 I have also seen couple of other tutorials, but none of them works for me. 我也看过其他一些教程,但是没有一个适合我。 I use latest version of chrome as my default browser, browser-sync version 5.6.0 and gulp version 3.9.1 我使用最新版本的chrome作为默认浏览器,浏览器同步版本5.6.0和gulp版本3.9.1

I've never heard of piping files through browserSync.reload as a way to reload the dev server, and couldn't find any examples of that particular technique in the browserSync documentation . 我从未听说过通过browserSync.reload管道文件作为重新加载开发服务器的方法,并且在browserSync文档中找不到该特定技术的任何示例。 That doesn't necessarily mean that the method is invalid, but maybe the API has changed since CSS-Tricks published their tutorial in 2015? 这不一定意味着该方法无效,但是自CSS-Tricks在2015年发布其教程以来,API可能已更改? Three years can be an eternity in tooling time. 三年可能是永久的加工时间。

Anyway, I know I've used Gulp/browserSync/SASS successfully before so I dug up the code relevant to your situation from one of my old gulpfiles. 无论如何,我知道我之前已经成功使用过Gulp / browserSync / SASS,所以我从一个旧的gulpfiles中挖掘了与您的情况相关的代码。

//watch task
gulp.task('watch', function () {
    //spin up dev server
        server: {
            baseDir: "./"

    //when scss files change, run sass task first and reload browserSync second
    gulp.watch('./sass/*.scss', ['sass']).on('change', function () {


//call watch task
gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

Basically when you call the watch task it immediately spins up the development server and then listens for changes to your scss files. 基本上,当您调用watch任务时,它会立即启动开发服务器,然后侦听对您的scss文件的更改。 When a change is detected, it calls the sass task as a dependency and runs whatever code you have for preprocessing (which you said is currently working in your file). 当检测到更改时,它将作为依赖项调用sass任务,并运行您要进行预处理的任何代码(您所说的当前正在文件中运行)。 After the sass task is completed, browserSync.reload is called via the .on method. sass任务完成后, browserSync.reload是通过所谓的.on方法。

I haven't used this particular configuration in awhile but let me know if it works and if not I'd be happy to troubleshoot it with you. 我已经有一段时间没有使用过这种特殊的配置了,但是请让我知道它是否有效,如果不行,我很乐意与您一起进行故障排除。 It's good boilerplate for any dev to have on hand. 对于任何开发人员来说,这都是一个很好的样板。

EDIT: The above snippet was taken from a much larger gulpfile and upon second inspection I identified some parts that prevented it from working in a standalone context. 编辑:以上代码摘自一个更大的gulpfile,经过第二次检查,我发现了一些阻止其在独立环境下工作的部分。 Edited snippet to correct this. 编辑了片段以更正此问题。

I am running a MAMP site and this worked for me 我正在运行一个MAMP网站,这对我有用

//define task
gulp.task('bsync', function () {
    //spin up dev server
      proxy: "dev.sitename.local",
      hostname: "dev.sitename.local",
      port: 3000, //even if apache is running on 80 or something else

    //when css files change, reload browserSync 
    gulp.watch('./css/*.css').on('change', function () {


//call task with 'gulp runbsync'
gulp.task('runbsync', ['bsync']);

https://gist.github.com/petergus/31d75a5145e062d4eaa42eb04ce23aea https://gist.github.com/petergus/31d75a5145e062d4eaa42eb04ce23aea

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