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Xcode 9.3 build upload错误:保存对Apple数据库的更改时出错。 (1015)

[英]Xcode 9.3 build upload Error: An error occurred saving your changes to the Apple database. (1015)

Error in upload builds on TestFlight/AppStore. 在TestFlight / AppStore上构建错误。 I am using Xcode 9.3 and error throws: 我正在使用Xcode 9.3和错误抛出:

An error occurred saving your changes to the Apple database. 将更改保存到Apple数据库时出错。 This problem may be a transient issue on the Apple side. 这个问题可能是Apple方面的一个短暂问题。 If the problem persists for more than an hour, please contact your iTunes representative. 如果问题持续一个多小时,请与您的iTunes代表联系。 (1015) (1015)

Anyone help me why I am getting this error? 有人帮我解释为什么我会收到这个错误?


When the error message hints to an error on Apples side, check the status page: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ 当错误消息提示苹果端出现错误时,请检查状态页: https//developer.apple.com/system-status/

Looks like there was an issue in AppStore Connect API today. 看起来今天在AppStore Connect API中存在问题。 It should be fixed now, so you can retry. 它现在应该修复,所以你可以重试。

I experienced the same issues several times last week. 我上周经历了几次同样的问题。 I have couple apps in dev account but the error happened only for one of them. 我在开发帐户中有几个应用程序,但错误只发生在其中一个。 Haven't found out a cause. 还没找到原因。 Looks like an issue on AppStore Connect. 看起来像AppStore Connect上的问题。

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