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Laravel 5.6:与 App.js 的 intl-tel-input 兼容性问题

[英]Laravel 5.6: intl-tel-input compatibility issue with App.js

I have a Laravel 5.6 web page and I want to add IntlTelInput ( https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input ) but I have try to install it from source, composer and npm (currently using composer and mix to copy build folder) and the 3 of them seem to not initialize the plugin.我有一个 Laravel 5.6 网页,我想添加 IntlTelInput ( https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input ) 但我尝试从源代码、作曲家和 npm 安装它(目前使用作曲家和混合到复制构建文件夹),其中 3 个似乎没有初始化插件。 例子

  • It's not my browser (have try with many and it works in codepen)这不是我的浏览器(尝试过很多,它在 codepen 中工作)
  • I have Jquery installed我已经安装了 Jquery
  • I included the stylesheet我包含了样式表
  • I override the path to flags.png in my CSS (In HTML and in app.scss [and run npm run watch])我在我的 CSS 中覆盖了 flags.png 的路径(在 HTML 和 app.scss 中 [并运行 npm run watch])
  • I added the intlTelInput.js script after the input我在输入后添加了 intlTelInput.js 脚本
  • I initialized the input with <script>$("#phone").intlTelInput();</script> (After the input in DOM)我用<script>$("#phone").intlTelInput();</script>初始化了输入(在 DOM 中输入之后)

This is what I got from inspecting the result:这是我从检查结果中得到的:

    <div class="intl-tel-input allow-dropdown">
       <div class="flag-container">
          <div tabindex="0" class="selected-flag">
             <div class="iti-flag"></div>
             <div class="iti-arrow"></div>
          <ul class="country-list hide">
             <li data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="us" class="country preferred">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag us"></div>
                <span class="country-name">United States</span><span class="dial-code">+1</span>
             <li data-dial-code="44" data-country-code="gb" class="country preferred">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag gb"></div>
                <span class="country-name">United Kingdom</span><span class="dial-code">+44</span>
             <li class="divider"></li>
             <li data-dial-code="93" data-country-code="af" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag af"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎)</span><span class="dial-code">+93</span>
             <li data-dial-code="355" data-country-code="al" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag al"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Albania (Shqipëri)</span><span class="dial-code">+355</span>
             <li data-dial-code="213" data-country-code="dz" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag dz"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Algeria (‫الجزائر‬‎)</span><span class="dial-code">+213</span>


                <span class="country-name">Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)</span><span class="dial-code">+212</span>
             <li data-dial-code="967" data-country-code="ye" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag ye"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)</span><span class="dial-code">+967</span>
             <li data-dial-code="260" data-country-code="zm" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag zm"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Zambia</span><span class="dial-code">+260</span>
             <li data-dial-code="263" data-country-code="zw" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag zw"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Zimbabwe</span><span class="dial-code">+263</span>
             <li data-dial-code="358" data-country-code="ax" class="country ">
                <div class="flag-box">
                   <div class="iti-flag ax"></div>
                <span class="country-name">Åland Islands</span><span class="dial-code">+358</span>
       <input name="phone" id="phone" placeholder="Phone" value="9992715671" required="required" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" type="text">

When I manually remove the hide class from ul class="country-list hide" it then appears but I can't interact with it, it appears that the js is not working properly I guess.当我从 ul class="country-list hide" 中手动删除隐藏类时,它会出现,但我无法与之交互,我猜似乎是 js 无法正常工作。

What happens if I remove the "hide":如果我删除“隐藏”会发生什么:



Doing more testing I realized that if I comment out the " app.js " script intl-tel-input works perfectly so my question is now, what do I have to change in App.js to make this work?做更多的测试我意识到如果我注释掉“ app.js ”脚本 intl-tel-input 可以完美地工作,所以我现在的问题是,我必须在 App.js 中更改什么才能使其工作? (I haven't added nothing to app.js, it is the same one that comes with every laravel installation) (我没有在 app.js 中添加任何东西,它与每个 Laravel 安装附带的相同)

I had a similar issue after installing via yarn.通过纱线安装后我遇到了类似的问题。 My solution was to add the following:我的解决方案是添加以下内容:

require('intl-tel-input/build/js/utils'); require("intl-tel-input/build/js/intlTelInput");

To ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js right after require('bootstrap'); ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js require('bootstrap');

And then to add:然后添加:

jQuery( '#phone' ).intlTelInput({ dropdownContainer: 'body', autoPlaceholder: 'polite', initialCountry: 'auto', geoIpLookup: function(callback) { jQuery.get("https://ipinfo.io", function() {}, "jsonp").always(function(resp) { var countryCode = (resp && resp.country) ? resp.country : ""; callback(countryCode); }); }, });

to the end of the file ./resources/assets/js/app.js到文件的./resources/assets/js/app.js

Note I added some arguments to mine, since I was also having issues with the automatic country detection until I sorted this out.注意我添加了一些参数,因为在我解决这个问题之前我也遇到了自动国家检测的问题。

I tried removing the defer attribute but got this error:我尝试删除 defer 属性,但收到此错误:

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element: #app

Try moving your app.js import after the body tag.尝试在 body 标签之后移动app.js导入。 This will solve the issue.这将解决问题。


<!-- Scripts -->
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

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