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Vue.js - 在方法(单击)中创建的值未显示在 v-for 循环中

[英]Vue.js - Values created in a method (on-click) not being displayed in a v-for loop

I want the program to fetch some data @click and then display it in the v-for loop.我希望程序获取一些数据@click ,然后将其显示在v-for循环中。

After I click the button, data shows up in the console, but I don't see anything being displayed on the page.单击按钮后,数据会显示在控制台中,但我没有看到页面上显示任何内容。

Is it because data is being created after the element has been rendered?是因为数据是在元素渲染创建的吗? How do I make Vue to re-render the loop to show the fetched data?如何让 Vue 重新渲染循环以显示获取的数据?

Codepen: https://codepen.io/x84733/pen/jKxQKo?editors=1010代码笔: https ://codepen.io/x84733/pen/jKxQKo?editors=1010

<v-btn @click="fetchData">
  fetch propeties 

<div v-for="item in properties">
  <div>{{item.title}}: {{item.value}}</div>


data () {
  return {
    properties: {}
methods: {
  fetchData () {
    var nameObj = {'title': 'name'}
    var sizeObj = {'title': 'size'}

    nameObj['value'] = 'file.txt'
    sizeObj['value'] = 12

    this.properties['name'] = nameObj
    this.properties['size'] = sizeObj


In documentation of vuejs it is clearly mentioned that v-for is for arrays and not objects.在 vuejs 的文档中明确提到 v-for 用于数组而不是对象。

https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html

Your properties is an object which has name as size.您的属性是一个名称为大小的对象。

Make this change进行此更改

 new Vue({ el: '#app', data () { return { properties: [] } }, methods: { fetchData () { var nameObj = {'title': 'name'} var sizeObj = {'title': 'size'} nameObj['value'] = 'file.txt' sizeObj['value'] = 12 this.properties.push(nameObj) this.properties.push(sizeObj) console.log(this.properties) } } })

After this change your code will work fine进行此更改后,您的代码将正常工作

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